M.J. Hoekstra
56 records found
No Time To Waste
A Plea for Immediate Implementation of Sustainability in Engineering Education
There are many ways of integrating sustainability into engineering education. While renewing the Bachelor’s Programme in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences at TU Delft, The Netherlands, we discovered that these ways can easily lead to a stalemate: while there is the for
Academische Vaardigheden voor Bouwkundigen, 2e editie
Het boek Academische Vaardigheden voor Bouwkundigen geeft een verdiepend beeld van bouwkunde als wetenschappelijke discipline, gaat expliciet in op de relatie tussen ontwerp en onderzoek en richt zich met name op praktische vaardigheden die bouwkundestudenten ontwikkelen gedurend
Who am I learning to become?
Integrating personal development in curriculum design
In this case study, we answer the question: what are design characteristics for a personal development line integrated in undergraduate engineering curricula? We investigated the development of such a line in a Bachelor of Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences in The Nethe
Kern en perspectieven
De stedenbouwkunde schept de ruimtelijke condities voor het functioneren van de burgerlijke samenleving. Fundamenteel daarin is het onderscheid tussen openbaar en privaat domein. De kerntaak van de stedenbouwkunde is daarom het ontwerp van de stadsplattegrond, waarmee de indeling
Fundamentals and Prospects
Urbanism creates the spatial conditions needed for society to function. The distinction between the public and private domains is fundamental to civil society. The core task of urbanism within that society is designing the urban ground plan, which defines the way land is divided
The Delft Fundamentals
Integration of disciplines, projects and analysis
As part of the renewal in 2013/2014 of the bachelor education curriculum in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, a new study programme was prepared on the Fundamentals (in Dutch: Grondslagen) of spatial design. The teaching approa
The realisation of an urban design involves many players, such as designers, critics, politicians, journalists, public relations specialists and residents. In order to consult with each other they make use of drawings, but also frequently of words, to be able to interpret the dra
Teaching urbanism
The Delft approach
The Department of Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology has a long tradition in educating generations of internationally oriented designers, planners and researchers in urbanism. Here the domain of urbanism is defined