
Paul van de Laar

9 records found

Pleasure Reconsidered and Relocated

Modern Urban Visions in the Wake of Rotterdam’s Discontinued Amusement Areas

Places of constant hustle and bustle, where people and goods arrive and depart, where land and water meet: port cities have traditionally, and quite easily, given rise to slogans, metaphors, and even myths ascribed to their particular maritime urban profile. Such conceptions are ...
Shipping canals have supported maritime traffic and port development for many centuries. Radical transformations of these shipping landscapes through land reclamation, diking, and canalization were celebrated as Herculean works of progress and modernity. Today, shipping canals ar ...


Zeemansbuurt als internationale inspiratiebron

Op 9 juni 1899, aan de vooravond van de twintigste eeuw waarin Rotterdam zijn status van wereldhaven definitief zou waarmaken, bezocht koningin Wilhelmina, begeleid door haar moeder koningin Emma, de stad aan de Maas. Als tienjarige had zij Rotterdam ook al een bezoek gebracht en ...
Following part 1 of Port City Cultures, Values, and Maritime Mindsets, this issue explores how cultures of port city territories are put into words, visualized, and can even be shaped. Continuing the argument that port city territories merit particular attention due to their loca ...
Port cities are a particular type of territory and are often long-standing examples of resilience, bringing opportunities, wealth, and innovation to their nations and their citizens. They have developed at the crossroads of international trade and commerce and the intersection of ...
Since industrialisation began in the 19th century, some ports have been moving away from the cities that once hosted them. That separation was only possible if land was available where new port basins, industries, and other infrastructure could be constructed and where port activ ...