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B. Hausleitner

25 records found

Buurtschap fabricage

Toepassing van houten bouwsystemen bij transformatieprocesen van leegstand bedrijventerreinen. Deelresultaten fase 1

Deze publicatie is een presentatie van de resultaten van de eerste fase van een research by design project over het thema duurzame transformatie van industriële terreinen in Nederland. Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd naar aanleiding van de open oproep Anders Werken aan Wonen van h ...
Streets are where the needs and values of different users and activities come together. Main streets in the Netherlands were either planned in major urban expansions or developed over time in the shape of ribbons upon dykes—‘long lines’ of continuously active streets. This chapte ...
Everyday streets are both the most used and the most undervalued of cities’ public spaces. They constitute the inclusive backbone of urban life – the chief civic amenity – though they are challenged by optimisation processes. Everyday streets are as profuse, rich and complex as t ...
Everyday streets facilitate various activities and movements, both indoors and outdoors. The second section of this book addresses the following question: What is the relationship between the urban form of everyday streets and the activities that occur on them? @en

Urban Manufacturing for Circularity

Three Pathways to Move from Linear to Circular Cities

Urban manufacturing and manufacturers play a vital role in delivering circular economy ambitions through processing materials, providing skills and technology for repair or reconditioning goods and the capacity to deliver innovative technology. The transdisciplinary approach of C ...
Wasser Stadt Wien. Eine Umweltgeschichte by G. Haidvogl, F. Hauer, S. Hohensinner, E. Raith, M. Schmid, C. Sonnlechner, C. Spitzbart-Glasl and V. Winiwarter, ZUG Zentrum für Umweltgeschichte, Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria, 2019, 495 pp. ISBN 978–3–900932–67–1.@en
A large proportion of European inhabitants live in dispersed urban settlements, much of which is labelled as sprawl, defined by monofunctional, low-density areas. However, there is increasing evidence that this may be an overly simplistic way of describing territories-in-between ...

Foundries of the Future

A Guide for 21st Century Cities of Making

Since the 1970s, cities world-wide have been witness to radical de-industrialisation. Manufacturing was considered incompatible with urban life and was actively pushed out. As economies have grown, public officials and developers have instinctively shifted their priorities to sho ...
This article describes the TU Delft's 2020 experiences during the pandemic in teaching and learning urban design and planning for (post-)COVID-19 times. The article presents the view why, that and how the themes of spatial resilience
and governance resilience should be emphas ...
Planning practice in the Global South often defines a border between formal and informal developments ignoring the complex and nuanced reality of urban practices and, consequently, worsening segregation. This article proposes an alternative view of socio-spatial segregation that ...
Typologies have always played an important role in urban planning and design practice and formal studies have been central to the field of urban morphology. These studies have predominantly been of a historical-qualitative nature and do not support quantitative comparisons betwee ...

Gemengd gebruik in de stad

Configuraties van stratennetwerk tot kavel

Met het promotie-onderzoek van Birgit Hausleitner keren we terug naar de stedelijke context en in het bijzonder naar de randvoor waarden voor gemengde stedelijkheid. Zij laat zien waar kansen liggen voor functiemenging, ook op plekken waar je die niet verwacht. Birgit Hausleitn ...
Cities of making assesses the role and current state of manufacturing in three of Europe’s urban centres. Compiled by a consortium of partners in London, Brussels and Rotterdam it forms part of Cities of Making, a thirty-month programme exploring the future of urban based manufac ...
The Cities of Making 'Cities Report', offers an insight into urban manufacturing in three global cities - Brussels, London and Rotterdam. Each city has had a distinctive industrial heritage and is interpreting the future of manufacturing in very different ways. This report expose ...

Quantitative comparison of cities

Distribution of street and building types based on density and centrality measures

It has been argued that different urban configurations-planned vs. organic, treelike vs. grid like-perform differently when it comes to the intensity and distribution of pedestrian flows, built density and land uses. However, definitions of urban configurations are often rather a ...
In cities manifold actors are continuously taking decisions and proposing interventions, which are driven by, but also change, spatial conditions and their performance on a variety of scales. Understanding how this interplay works is crucial for urban designers and planners. Howe ...