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B Pel
Academic Work (10)
Book chapter (7)
Journal article (1)
Report (2)
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10 records found
A retrospective analysis of the delta: Mapping the system's evolution
Book chapter (2015) -
Han Meyer (author)
R Broesi (author)
L.P.J. van den Burg (author)
D Neumann (author)
Steffen Nijhuis (author)
B Pel (author)
M.T. Pouderoijen (author)
M Warmerdam (author)
International perspective
Book chapter (2015) -
V.J. Meyer (author)
M. Marchand (author)
D Neumann (author)
S Nijhuis (author)
B Pel (author)
M Pouderoijen (author)
Actor analysis in complex adaptive systems
Book chapter (2015) -
A van Buuren (author)
M Duijn (author)
J Edelenbos (author)
B Pel (author)
M.T. Pouderoijen (author)
J Verkerk (author)
Internationaal perspectief
Book chapter (2014) -
VJ Meyer (author)
M. Marchand (author)
D Neumann (author)
S. Nijhuis (author)
B Pel (author)
M.T. Pouderoijen (author)
Urbanized Deltas as Complex Adaptive Systems: Implications for Planning and Design
Journal article (2014) -
E Dammers (author)
AK Bregt (author)
J Edelenbos (author)
Han Meijer (author)
B Pel (author)
The (self-)governance of community energy : Challenges and prospects
Report (2014) -
F Avelino (author)
R Bosman (author)
N Frantzeskaki (author)
S Akerboom (author)
P Boontje (author)
J Hoffman (author)
G Paradies (author)
B Pel (author)
D.J. Scholten (author)
J. Wittmayer (author)
Actorenanalyse in complexe adaptieve systemen
Book chapter (2014) -
A van Buuren (author)
M Duijn (author)
J Edelenbos (author)
B Pel (author)
M.T. Pouderoijen (author)
J Verkerk (author)
De verstedelijkte delta als complexe adaptieve systemen
Book chapter (2014) -
E Dammers (author)
A Bregt (author)
J Edelenbos (author)
VJ Meyer (author)
B Pel (author)
Historisch perspectief van de delta: de evolutie van het systeem in kaart gebracht
Book chapter (2014) -
Han Meijer (author)
B Pel (author)
R Broesi (author)
L.P.J. van den Burg (author)
D Neumann (author)
S. Nijhuis (author)
M.T. Pouderoijen (author)
M.M. Warmerdam (author)
IPDD Werkpakket 2 : Retrospectief: Majeure interventies in het deltasysteem 1850-2000
Report (2012) -
VJ Meijer (author)
L.P.J. van den Burg (author)
R Broesi (author)
R Duinker (author)
Birgit Hausleitner (author)
C. van Leeuwen (author)
N van Manen (author)
S. Nijhuis (author)
B Pel (author)
M.M. Warmerdam (author)
Werkdocument 20.12.2012@en
Werkdocument 20.12.2012@en