M.T. Pouderoijen

35 records found

Een drieluik geproduceerd als 'praatplaat' voor informeel bestuurlijk overleg van de Stuurgroep Deltaprogramma oktober 2024, waarbij een keuze is gemaakt voor conceptuele, overzichtelijke en vereenvoudigde kaartbeelden, ten koste van nauwkeurigheid en volledigheid.

De ka ...

Cool Tree Architecture

A Descriptive Framework for a Tree Architecture Typology to Temper Urban Microclimates

As the elementary unit of the urban forest, trees temper thermal extremes in urban microclimates through shading and evapotranspiration, and by altering the movement of air. Metrics on shade performances of different species, however, are currently limited, which can be remedied ...

A House In-between | Result of the Elective Course AR0149

Landscape Architecture ON site 2021 | Ode aan de Hollandse Waterlinies

This booklet shows the process and results of Ode aan de Hollandse Waterlinies, a project developed in the elective course Landscape Architecture ON site. Research, analysis and Sense of Place formed the base of this project. The central aim of this course was to express the give ...

Building with landscape

On-site experimental installations informing BwN methodology

The multi-dimensionality of BwN calls for the incorporation of ‘designerly ways of knowing and doing’ from other fields involved in this new trans-disciplinary approach. The transition out of a focus on rational design paradigms towards reflective design paradigms such as those e ...
The WeSense pilot trialled in the Greater Amsterdam region, demonstrates that Social Sensing using mobile electronic devices is effective in the collection of real-time, location-specific data from citizens and visitors on perceptions and responses to a wide variety of environmen ...

Aeolis_Gap the Border

Landscape Architecture On Site, Oerol Festival 2018

Expected sea-level rise poses an increasing threat to Dutch coastal areas. Continuous human interventions in these areas aim to prevent the lowlands from drowning. This booklet shows the process and results of aeolis-gap the border developed during the elective course Landscape A ...

De ruggengraat van het laagland

De boezem als schakel in de cultuurhistorische samenhang van het veengebied

Given that the polder boezem* system, and in particular its network structure, is crucial to the spatial identity of the Dutch cultural landscape, a thorough cultural- historical understanding of that system is a precondition for the effective implementation of necessary future c ...

Hybride landschap

Meten en ontwerpen aan het stad-land continuüm

Gelderland is een regio met bijzondere landschappelijke kwaliteiten. De Veluwe, het Rivierengebied met haar stuwwallen en het coulisselandschap in de Achterhoek zijn landelijk bekend. Ook het stedelijke landschap mag er zijn, met Hanzesteden, de campus van Wageningen en de bruise ...
Elective course of the MSc2 - Chair of Landscape Architecture at the TU Delft during the Oerol festival on Terschelling, June 12-21 2015@en
Elective course of the MSc2 - Chair of Landscape Architecture at the TU Delft in BK-expo at the Faculty of Architecture, November 2-19 2015@en