V. Muñoz Sanz
21 records found
Synergizing the Housing Pressure in the Depleted Landscape on the Fringe of the ‘Groene Hart’
Our current time, the Anthropocene, defined by crises, colours the Randstad and its accompanying Fringes in the ‘Groene Hart’ in the Netherlands, as a depleted landscape filled with economic, ecological, and socially misaligned housing developments, under constant pressure of fur
Reimagining the urban-rural interface
A regenerative framework, using agroforestry to connect nature, agriculture and urban development
This research investigates agroforestry within a regenerative framework as a unifying element to reconnect urban, rural, and natural landscapes in the RZG triangle, with a focus on Het Middengebied. Decades of intensification in agriculture and urban development have left the are
Nocturnal cultural spaces in Rotterdam are under pressure of gentrification. The decline in night club spaces, also results in a decline in cultural innovation and experimentation. In current redevelopment plans for creative clusters such as Schieblock, show the replacement of th
Nomads to Neighbours
Seeking to leverage global knowledge for local opportunities in Curaçao
Since 2020, when remote working became standard practice worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries, including the Caribbean Island Curaçao, have introduced remote working visas targeting digital nomads to boost their local economy. As a result, the phenomenon of d
Limitations to the Row House Paradigm
A design study into an Adaptive and Alternative densification strategy for Almere
The urban environment in general needs to be renewed in light of the shifting demographics in the Netherlands in order to address future challenges. The majority of the Dutch urban environment is made up of low-density, post-war suburban neighbourhoods that are aimed towards a pa
(re)framing the narrative
Storytelling otherwise for a just forest economy in Kampala's city region
Kampala is the heartbeat of Uganda’s economy and has driven rural-urban migration over the years as people travel in search of better opportunities (Namwanje, 2022). This has led to rapid urbanisation and unprecedented growth of the informal sector that extends beyond the geograp
Cities are constructed with extractive, finite resources that put enormous pressure on global climatic conditions. The building and construction sector is responsible for 36 percent of the global energy demand and 37 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. With the pro
Agro-Urban Ecologies
Design of a climate-adaptive agroecosystem and urban expansion in Almere-Pampus
This research explores the potential of urban design to fulfill the role of integrating the domains of ecology, food, and climate change to achieve long-term restorative goals. Also, the potential of urban design to be the operator of a dynamic coexistence with nature by acting u
Metaverse | Transitioning (To) Future Cities
Transdisciplinary platforms as instruments to democratise technology for participatory use in building back neglected urban voids of Riga
We are at the beginning of the most significant societal change since the internet. We are transitioning from a 2-dimensional browser-based interaction to immersive 3-dimensional experiences. The metaverse is not a place or a destination but a state where technology and ecosystem
The regeneration of migrant laneways from both social and spatial perspectives
The main object of this study is the migrant laneway, which refers to the old community in the city center that attracts migrant workers because of its low rent and good location. This kind of community in urgent need of renewal contains three aspects: spatial, social and th ...
Platform Urbanism Beyond Colonization and Commodification
Designing the Platform Before It Designs Us
The rapid upsurge of the platform economy is producing profound changes to the way in which urban areas are functioning. With digital technology putting roots down in the fields of public transport, hospitality and the service industry, it opened up possibilities for new platform
Floating urbanisation
Researching the preconditions for urban development on surface water in the Netherlands
Due to climate change, the built environment will have to deal with rising surface
water levels in the future. We could cope with this situation by making our buildings adaptable to changing water levels and develop floating urbanisation. Although quite a few floating project ...
water levels in the future. We could cope with this situation by making our buildings adaptable to changing water levels and develop floating urbanisation. Although quite a few floating project ...
Flourishing Foodvalley
Pattern language as a co-design method to approach the transition towards circular agricultural systems in a hybrid landscape.
This thesis explores the possibility of circularity to regenerate the degraded agricultural systems of the Foodvalley region. The Foodvalley is a regional network organization, consisting of eight municipalities situated partly in the province of Utrecht and partly the province o
Towards a Critical Urbanism
Evaluation and revision of the Open Society concept (Welfare State period) across Western Europe, the Netherlands and Spain
Currently, there is a growing gap between theory and practice in urban and architecture fields, that requires dialogue on multiple fronts, scales, and new perspectives. Bridging this gap and achieving a successful transition to a new era. In which theory and practice must work to
Amsterdam 2049
Story-driven scenarios to prepare the city for autonomous vehicles
Out of all the countries in the world, the Netherlands has the most ‘autonomous vehicle’-ready road network (KPMG, 2019). It is the result of years of investing in state-of-the-art technologies and putting in place the needed policies, and it seems to pay off: our country is like
Modernist urbanism under automated mobility scenarios
Transforming modernist areas for spatial quality in Amsterdam city
Modernist urbanism under automated mobility scenarios, develops a method to intervene and enhance the quality of public spaces in modernist areas, based on a possible automated mobility scenario that triggers new relationships between car infrastructure, public space and the rest
Machinic Utopias, Automated Futures
Scenarios of Potential Automated Futures in Westland
‘Machinic Utopias, Automated Futures’ speculates on the role of designers as active agents addressing the potential implications of automated technologies on urban space in the specific context of the horticultural production center in the Westland. Successive expansions of green
Playgrounds of commons| Spatial interventions for collective appropriation towards liveability and diversity in Rotterdam South
The case of Oud Charlois and Waalhaven
How would it be if collective appropriation was an essential part of a spatial strategy?
Playgrounds of commons refer to a mix of top – down and bottomup
spatial strategies and design interventions taking as a starting
point that Rotterdam South can be seen, and (re)d ...
Playgrounds of commons refer to a mix of top – down and bottomup
spatial strategies and design interventions taking as a starting
point that Rotterdam South can be seen, and (re)d ...
In this project, the design of a contemporary version of the historic khan for new arrivals in present-day Istanbul is explored through architectural research. The research for this project focused on three aspects: (1) Istanbul, a tumultuous city between the east and west as the
The temporary citizen
And the spatial implications of the next mode of energy in Vlissingen
With a new scale of operating and constructing large offshore wind farms, harbours and adjacent cities are facing a transition. This transition will include an increase of work migration and temporary citizens within the area. The construction of a wind farm from the port of Vlis