
71 records found


Does Access Trump Ownership?

Exploring Consumer Acceptance of Access-Based Consumption in the Case of Smartphones

Value creation in a circular economy is based on products being returned after use. In the case of smartphones, most are never returned and tend to be kept in drawers. Smartphone access services (e.g., leasing or upgrade) have been experimented with in the Netherlands but have be ...

Facing complexity through varying the clarification of the design task

How a multi-contextual approach can empower design engineers to address complex challenges

Today, most challenges designers face are complex. One way industrial design engineers have learned to deal with this complexity is to simplify the problem early on—for example, by focusing on one particular context, e.g. user group. Variations are typically addressed, but prefer ...

Using a multi-context design approach as manifestation of complexity

Perceptions and experiences of students in design engineering

In recent years, awareness that design students need to be better equipped to deal with complexity has increased. The practical implications for design education are less evident. While students appreciate explicit methods and tools, we argue that they have to learn to work with ...
Millions of people worldwide die prematurely or suffer from severe health ailments due to cooking equipment that causes unhealthy doses of (household) air pollution. Many attempts to address this have fallen short because technology was not improved sufficiently or the way it was ...

De Verwezenlijking

Een begaanbare weg naar duurzaam digitaal transformeren

De Verwezenlijking is het vierde boek van IT-ondernemer Hans van Bommel en bestuurder en hoogleraar Jo van Engelen over automatiseren en besturen. Waar de eerste drie boeken zich vooral richtten op de beschrijvingen van de huidige uitdagingen, de mogelijke richtingen waarin oplos ...

De Verduurzaming

Over IT als onuitputtelijke grondstof voor een duurzame economie en samenleving

De Verduurzaming is voor bestuurder en hoogleraar Jo van Engelen en IT'er Hans van Bommel een logisch vervolg op hun twee eerdere boeken. Maakten De Verbinding en De Verdieping duidelijk wat er mis is in de IT en hoe organisaties in onze huidige complexe omstandigheden aangestuur ...
– Vietnamese agro-food firms are often small and have short value chains. They are facing increasing competition from multinationals to serve the consumers of the rising middle class. It is assumed that co-creation or open-innovation can be a competitive innovation st ...

The (il)logic of ownership

Exploring alternative commercial offers for mobile devices

Recent experience has clearly shown that mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are difficult to get back from customers to close loops through current end-of-pipe collection solutions. This paper explores the potential of a shift in business logic away from ownership as ...
The world is complex. Amongst others, this means that many elements are interconnected. When designing solutions, this complexity is often seen as cumbersome, resulting in (over) simplification of the issue at hand. This leads to solutions that are optimised for one specific cont ...

De Verdieping

Waarom bestuurders zouden moeten leren fietsen

In 'De Verdieping' vergelijken bestuurder Van Engelen en IT’er Van Bommel het maken van gedetailleerde plannen in het bedrijfsleven met biljarten en fietsen; alle informatie van de plannenmakers zit verborgen in één stoot, terwijl natuurwetten bepalen dat de exacte uitkomst van d ...

De Verbinding

IT en de kunst van het automatiseren

IT speelt een cruciale rol in de samenleving; bedrijven en overheden geven er jaarlijks miljarden aan uit. Maar ondanks de astronomische bedragen die in IT geïnvesteerd worden, zijn de resultaten vaak zorgwekkend - zo niet dramatisch. In recente jaren is Nederland regelmatig getu ...


A Cooperative Phone Return Experience

How nature inspires solving circular challenges

Mobile phones are one of the most ubiquitous devices in our lives. The ever-growing demand for mobile phones and rapid upgrade patterns, gives mobile phones an unsustainable linear character, with a big contribution to e-waste. This study is about stimulating consumers to return ...

Creating a Design Tool: Designing for the End-of-Use Consumer Experience in a Circular Economy

A design tool that enables designers to understand the current consumer experiences and design new experiences for the end-of-use of circular products

This report provides an analysis of the consumer experience at the end-of-use phase of a product. The study in this report focussed on the consumer-product relationship: how this plays a role in the process of product detachment, and what this means for products at the end-of-use ...
The dispenser project focused on developing an external vision for a dispenser range for the future washroom in office buildings, retirement homes, and hotels. The project resulted in a foldable dispenser that reduces sustainable impact by decreasing its volume during transport. ...


Sun protection for dogs made out of mattress ticking

The reduction of waste materials is an important step towards a more circular economy. Within the mattress industry, the focus on sustainability and recycling has increased substantially over the last few years. In the Netherlands and a few other European countries the recycling ...

Integrated product system for children under five for India and Kenya

Tackling scalability and usability in complex healthcare systems by Context Variation by Design approach

Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) face major issues throughout the continuum of primary healthcare for child care (0-5 years). Altogether more than 10 million children die each year in developing countries before they reach their fifth birthday. WHO and UNICEF created an I ...