W.L.E.C. Meijers

3 records found

Rietveld Pavilion De Zonnehof

A design project of the Department for Heritage and Architecture, TU Delft MSc1 AR1AH010 Fall 2020/21

This booklet presents the work of fourth-year students from Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Chair of Heritage & Architecture, Section Heritage & Architecture. What you see is the result of one semester’s work (20 weeks) to study ...

Anne Lacaton

Visiting Professor 2016-2017/ Chair of Heritage & Architecture

Anne Lacaton has been a visiting professor at the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment during the Fall Semester 2016-2017, hosted by the Chair of Heritage & Design. In the professional field of Heritage & Design the starting point for design is not just a fu ...