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L.G.K. Spoormans

37 records found

Various trends and movements influenced the architectural transcendence after Modernism. Well-known histories include European architects calling for human scale and variety and Anglo-Saxon architects adopting a visual language of archetypes, popular taste, and symbolism. In othe ...
Much of the building stock subjected to the upcoming European Renovation Wave is neither listed as heritage nor considered valuable architecture. This also applies to Dutch housing built between 1965 and 1985, more than 30% of the Dutch housing stock, for which there is no consen ...
Although attention for citizen involvement in urban development and heritage management processes is growing, both in practice and in research, the specifics of stakeholders’ interests have been less researched. This paper reveals and discusses the assessment by individuals and g ...
Housing construction in the post-WWII Netherlands is characterised by policies and regulations, at national and local level. The tradition of ‘volkshuisvesting’ which promotes planning for the whole population including the middle class, largely determined the production and allo ...
The suburban low-rise neighbourhood is the ‘ideal’ of the Dutch middle class. After WWII, a series of planning concepts were implemented on a national level: post-war expansion districts (1945-1965), Groeikernen (1965-1985), and Vinex districts (1995-2005). Middle-class families ...

Web of attributes

Analysing residents’ appreciation of a Dutch neighbourhood from a new heritage perspective

In the last century, the concept of what can be heritage has expanded in definition, opening to everyday architecture and living environments. More recently, the group of stakeholders to be involved in heritage assessment and management has slowly grown, with authorities acknowle ...
Housing developments in the Netherlands have been influenced by national and local policies regarding spatial planning, building regulations, tax regulations and subsidy programs. At the beginning of the 20th century, the ‘Woningwet’ [Housing Act, 1901] kick-started Dutch policie ...

Everyday Heritage

Identifying attributes of 1965-1985 residential neighbourhoods by involved stakeholders

In improving the sustainability of our built environment, we face challenges regarding energy, climate, and equality. In facing these challenges, European countries and institutions emphasise the need to protect and advance the cultural values of the built environment. However, t ...
Collective housing (CH) is undergoing a revival in Belgium. Since 2009, the Flemish Government Architect and his team have been advocating CH, stressing its importance as a task for architects given the demand for affordable housing and the need to reduce the environmental impact ...
Dutch residential neighbourhoods built after 1965 (Post 65) are characterised by a varied range of housing and living environments. As a reaction to the post-war Reconstruction period, architects and urban designers focussed on quality of life and identification with the living e ...
This paper seeks to approach the context –social, economic and political– that conditioned themassive housing construction in the Netherlands after World War II. For this purpose, it has beennecessary to build a general framework about the construction of public housing in the se ...

Almere Heritage Cube

An Assessment Framework for Participatory Heritage Valorisation in Almere

This publication presents the Almere Heritage Cube: An Assessment framework for Participatory Heritage Valorisation in Almere. It reports a research project that has been conducted by researchers of Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology in 2019-202 ...

Exploratory Talks as a Tool for Co-Diagnosis

Comparative Analysis of Residential Neighbourhoods in New Belgrade & Almere Haven

[Intro] The paper introduces a participatory tool for assessment of the Middle-Class Mass Housing (MCMH) in Europe that was simultaneously applied in two studies, on the two cases New Belgrade (Serbia) and Almere Haven (The Netherlands). The studies were exploring the values, pro ...
Dutch New Towns are in-between old and new. They are not yet recognized as cultural heritage. At the same time, they are passing through major transformations. Research is therefore necessary to document and assess them, to inform stakeholders and prevent later regrets for disreg ...
Two portraits of European Middle Class Mass Housing. As the experts of their living environment the resident’s explain to us what is: valuable, problematic or desirable. We explore everyday neighbourhoods of Almere Haven and NewBelgrade, using resident’s testimonies as a tool for ...
Purpose: Although residential neighbourhoods are the largest and most resilient share of a city and the process of urban conservation and renewal is ongoing, methods to assess their values are limited. This paper presents the results of a systematic literature review, revealing t ...
Structuralism represents an architecture that can interact, grow and adapt. The buildings can be recognised by their vivid open structures, composition of small units, and a spatial organisation like a city. As a reaction to CIAM functionalism, the avant-garde members of Team 10 ...
Volgens prognoses van ABF Research is er tot 2035 behoefte aan een miljoen extra woningen. Grootschalige industriële woningbouw kan bijdragen aan het terugdringen van het tekort. Dit heeft in het verleden echter de positie van bouwes versterkt en daarbij zeggenschap van bewoners ...
Description in words, drawings and photo's of a traditional Japanese wooden townhouse, its characteristics and the opportunities for reuse. Special focus on the function of the corridor (toriniwa).@en

Planning History of a Dutch New Town

Analysing Lelystad through Its Residential Neighbourhoods

This article seeks to analyse the reciprocal influence between the post-war urban planning policies and the development of residential neighbourhoods in Lelystad between 1965 and 1990. This city has been designed ‘from scratch’ as the urban centre of the IJsselmeer Polders, the l ...