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H. Zijlstra

110 records found

Bouwtechnologisch Onderzoek

A, B, C, D, en dan… Ervaringen met de ABCDº-onderzoeksmethode om inzicht te verkrijgen in de toekomstbestendigheid van een gebouwen

Sinds 2006 werk ik aan de ontwikkeling en implementatie van een onderzoeksmethode voor de analyse van de architectonische en ruimtelijke kwaliteiten van gebouwen, zodat die een rol kunnen spelen bij planvorming in de toekomst. Door zowel de oorspronkelijke situatie als de verande ...

A model of the adaptive reuse process of heritage buildings

Validation on four cases in the Netherlands

Adaptive reuse (AR) of heritage buildings is a complex process involving many stakeholders with different ambitions. Recently, a theoretical model has been proposed to facilitate this process. However, the validation of this model and investigation of the nexus between process st ...
Adaptive reuse (AR) of heritage buildings is common practice in The Netherlands and is becoming more and more common at the International level. While AR projects are generally considered positive actions towards preserving the qualities of heritage buildings, not all projects ha ...

KaDEr | rEflectie

Eindrapportage KaDEr Gelderland project | fase 1 en 2 | 2017 - 2021

Final report of the research project KaDEr@en
The Adaptive Reuse (AR) of heritage buildings is a complex process, which aims to preserve the values of heritage buildings while adapting them for use in the present and transferring them to the future. This paper aims to identify steps in this process and develop a structured m ...
Adaptive reuse (AR) of modern buildings, including industrial buildings from the late 19th and 20th centuries, is a complex process as it involves many actions and actors, which influence the result of projects. Effective AR can provide many advantages for societies. This paper a ...
This paper seeks to approach the context –social, economic and political– that conditioned themassive housing construction in the Netherlands after World War II. For this purpose, it has beennecessary to build a general framework about the construction of public housing in the se ...
Adaptive reuse (AR) of heritage buildings is a complex process due to the involvement of many actions and actors, which influence the results of the projects. The effectiveness of AR projects can be described by various criteria. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overvie ...
Buildings today are subject to change. New functions are accommodated in vacant buildings. This is a favorable development from both a sustainability point of view and a cultural-historical perspective. Originally, the volume and form of a building was dictated by its original fu ...

Spatial Building Typology

Vacant Heritage: Department Stores | V&D’s

On 31 december 2015, the department store of Vroom & Dreesmann (V&D), which was founded in 1887, officially went bankrupt. This ended the rich history of a department store that had branches in many Dutch cities and towns. This raises the question: what happens to the tr ...

The Power of Ten

The KaDEr Project and the Influence of Education in Real Cases

The KaDEr research project is looking for possible changes in the policy to preserve built heritage in a sustainable way for the province of Gelderland. From 2017 to 2021, TU Delft conducts this research project. A lot of disciplines of TU Delft are involved from the Faculty of A ...

Karakteristiek Duurzaam Erfgoed in Gelderland: KaDEr-stellingen

Ervaringen en stellingnames na een vierjarige samenwerking tussen de Provincie Gelderland en de TU Delft faculteit Bouwkunde 2017 - 2021

Deze publicatie is een weerslag van de uitkomsten van het KaDEr-project (Karakteristiek Duurzaam Erfgoed) dat de TU Delft in opdracht van en in samenwerking met de Provincie Gelderland heeft uitgevoerd. De lezer wordt meegenomen in de zoektocht om invulling te geven aan de relati ...
In the Mastermind Crash course, buildings are analyzed on various aspects, in particular looking at the impact and (measurable) results that the interventions in the building have had. Much of the built heritage is vacant, requires a re-use or the current use requires an update. ...
Progres report KaDEr research project.@en
The Section for Heritage and Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology specializes in architectural education for adaptive reuse of heritage buildings, with a specific focus on the built heritage of the 20th centur ...

Planning History of a Dutch New Town

Analysing Lelystad through Its Residential Neighbourhoods

This article seeks to analyse the reciprocal influence between the post-war urban planning policies and the development of residential neighbourhoods in Lelystad between 1965 and 1990. This city has been designed ‘from scratch’ as the urban centre of the IJsselmeer Polders, the l ...

Energiescan 2.0

KaDEr Deelproject 1

Onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van het provinciale subsidie-instrument voor energiescans voor monumentale kerkgebouwen in de provincie Gelderland.@en