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W.J. Quist

121 records found


Energetische prestaties van massieve baksteengevels in woonhuismonumenten

Voor woonhuismonumenten is binnenisolatie vaak de enige manier om de thermische
prestatie van het massief metselwerk te verbeteren. Maar tegenvallende isolatiewaardes,
vorstschade, schimmelgroei of houtrot van ingewerkte houten balken liggen op de loer. De
veelheid aa ...
In 2022, Docomomo International launched a call for papers on Modern Movement in Ukraine together with Docomomo Ukraine. More than 20 proposals were received, most of them from authors based in Ukraine itself—despite the difficult circumstances. The Docomomo Journal 67 presented ...

A model of the adaptive reuse process of heritage buildings

Validation on four cases in the Netherlands

Adaptive reuse (AR) of heritage buildings is a complex process involving many stakeholders with different ambitions. Recently, a theoretical model has been proposed to facilitate this process. However, the validation of this model and investigation of the nexus between process st ...
It is a long-standing and well-appreciated tradition of Docomomo International to emphasize its diversity expressed in buildings, sites, and neighborhoods due to different geography, language, education, and personalities. The term multiple modernisms has been coined to express r ...
Docomomo International is proud to present the first Open Issue of the Docomomo Journal. Creating the opportunity for scholars, practitioners, policy makers, activists or any other group of authors to publish in our journal without having to wait for a thematic Special Issue on a ...
Neither pre-cast concrete nor the company Schokbeton itself is typical for the period 1975-2000, but the paper material saved from the former laboratory of the Dutch pre-cast concrete factory holds an intensive record of concrete recipes and references to buildings from the perio ...
As part of an ongoing research project to better understand the hygrothermal performance of solid masonry brick buildings, the material properties of dozens of historic fired clay bricks have been measured. This paper discusses the relationship between density, porosity, capillar ...

Zero Waste Church

Education for Circular Reuse of Religious Buildings

While heritage conservation is usually associated with the action of “keeping”, circular approaches are often seen as focusing on flexibility, and disassembly. Both share the common goal of using existing resources efficiently and avoiding waste. The conservation of cultural herita ...
This paper explores the opportunities for locals’ participation as a tool for the sustainable redevelopment of vacant heritage. It focuses on the Politiebureau Groningen Centrum (The Netherlands) as a case study to apply a novel approach to engage community participation in archi ...
Adaptive reuse (AR) of heritage buildings is common practice in The Netherlands and is becoming more and more common at the International level. While AR projects are generally considered positive actions towards preserving the qualities of heritage buildings, not all projects ha ...

Shared Heritage Africa

Rediscovering Masterpieces

Docomomo International is proud to present the results of the international project Shared Heritage Africa: Rediscovering Masterpieces and other selected papers from our call for papers Shared Heritage Africa – Campuses, published in December 2022. The SHA project itse ...
After the two 2022-issues of the Docomomo Journal, number 66 on ‘Modern Plastic Heritage’ and number 67 on ‘Multiple Modernisms in Ukraine,’ this issue reveals another chapter of an often and diversely described theme of Modern Movement and a pressing subject worldwide: Housing.@ ...

KaDEr | rEflectie

Eindrapportage KaDEr Gelderland project | fase 1 en 2 | 2017 - 2021

Final report of the research project KaDEr@en
When moving the Docomomo Headquarters to Delft in January 2022, it announced a new cycle of the Docomomo journal by turning the journal fully open access and by introducing a peer-review process. This allows for further scientific indexation of the journal and attracting a wider ...
The paper studies local community centres (Serbian: centar mesne zajednice - CMZ) of post-war mass housing neighbourhoods in New Belgrade. Those were designed and built in 1970s as multifunctional centres with facilities and programmes complementary to the housing blocks: socio-c ...
The Docomomo Journal looks back to a long history and has started as a ‘newsletter’ in in August 1989 to facilitate the communication among the young docomomo community. Since then, the responsibility for the journal has moved with the headquarters and each generation of the jour ...
Industrial heritage is among the products of modern urban development, and the influencing factors of its regeneration and development are often complex. Due to different national conditions, the research progress and approaches in industrial heritage reuse in China are different ...
The concepts of collective management of housing and urban spaces are being revisited within the contemporary discussions about community-driven approaches and practices and, in particular, related to the revitalization of residential neighbourhoods. This research identifies the ...