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38 records found

The Spirit of a Biophilic Shopping Mall

Biophilic Design in Post-war Shopping Mall while enhancing the value and the spirit of place

This paper explores the dual challenge of vacancy in post-war shopping malls and the lack of green spaces in urban areas. It proposes biophilic design as a solution to revitalize malls and address environmental issues. The paper emphasizes the importance of preserving the unique ...
With the rapid development of the Internet and the gradual penetration of online shopping into people's lives, COVID has accelerated the popularity of online shopping. People have found that it is convenient and varied, and traditional shopping centres are facing the impact of th ...
In the Netherlands, shopping centres are abun¬dant. Whether they are large-scale malls or small neighbourhood centres, they are woven into the fabric of Dutch society. But recently and in the future many malls will be facing the prospect of vacancy. A response therefore is needed ...

Preserving spatial quality when transforming churches

Different spatial solutions and their effects

This thesis consists of a paper about spatial quality in neo gothic churches and a design project about transforming the St. Barbarachurch in Culemborg. The paper explores the effects of different spatial solutions that can be used for transforming neo gothic churches on the spat ...

Mediating Religious Elements

Collective memory of religious spaces to incentivise the transformation of decommissioned churches

This project explores the utilisation of the collective memory of vacant churches and the architectural elements within them as incentives for their transformation and reuse. The number of decommissioned churches in the Netherlands is increasing with rapid secularisation, and man ...

The story lives on

Optimizing Narrative driven Design for a Zero-Waste conversion of ex churches.

In Europe Christianity faces steady decline, causing dwindling attendance at
churches. As a result congregations are no longer able to afford the upkeep for their churches, forcing them to end services in these buildings. This caused many grand and historic church buildings t ...

Church as a Connector

An Investigation into the role of the Transition zone in the Transformation of the Grote- of Mariakerk towards a Public Interior, whilst maintaining its Heritage Values

Churches have always been the centre of Dutch society to gather under one roof (De Kruijf & De Roest, 2010). Due to the secularization of the Netherlands, church vacancy is increasing. Currently, churches still fulfill a central function within a city, village or neighborhood ...

Same emotion, Different church

Revitalizing the vacant Grote- of Mariakerk towards a new purpose that honours the existing Sense of Place while paving the way for new emotional bonds to be formed

More and more churches are closing, facing vacancy, or even being demolished at an alarming rate, as a result of the declining amount of ecclesiastical in the Netherlands. While many churches are being repurposed, this isn’t always easy, as repurposing is an extremely emotional p ...
This thesis explores the use of the palimpsest as a theoretical framework for adapting a heritage building. The research studies the former Maranatherkerk in Castricum, Noord-Holland. Set against a backdrop of ever-increasing secularisation in the Netherlands, the former Maranath ...

Repurposing sublime religious heritage

Preserving experiential value during transformation

During adaptive re-use of heritage obejcts, experiential value of characteristics is often overlooked. This project highlights the importance of the effect of architecture on the psyche and how integrating this into the value assessment, a more holistic heritage approach can be r ...

Revealing built Heritage through social media

Comparing attributes and values conveyed by tourists and locals in Faro, Portugal

Society conveys values to cities and their buildings, the key to sustainability, only in part recognized as heritage values, when protected by urban and/or heritage planning. There is a growing recognition of the importance of acknowledging the values conveyed by locals and touri ...
The deficit of suitable housing in the Netherlands is increasing, while the vacancy rate of office buildings and other non-residential buildings is high.
Transforming these vacant buildings is a sustainable and smart method to meet the housing demand. In order to transform b ...

A new minimum

The potential for existenzminimum dwelling concepts in renovation projects

Inspired by the Existenzminimum movement of the early 20th century, the feasibility of historic efficient housing concepts is studied. The canvas for this is the renovation design of a post-65 housing complex in Amsterdam. Three concepts reinterpreted into a modern context and ap ...

Aging (in) Architecture

How to create a high quality and inclusive living environment in a 1980s housing complex at Bijlmerplein

Suitable housing and its availability: it seems to be a problem within almost every phase of the housing career in the Netherlands, as the housing market is stagnating. Our older generation is held responsible for this national problem, but why? Deliberate occupation of the ‘over ...
Our knowledge of precast concrete facades is becoming more relevant each day.
Buildings with precast concrete façades are relatively new in relation to monument listing, due to architectural and constructive innovations being related to these façades. However, these buildings ...
The current food system is increasingly revealing its detrimental to people and the planet and thrives on an economic system that exacerbates these grievances. In the face of this, alternatives are arising in the hopes of showcasing what a better food sys-tem may look like—the Al ...
The topic of the graduation project is the transformation of the former V&D department store in the city of Leiden. The aim of the project is to re-design the building in order to house a series of new uses which include public facilities (such as an urban park and a public i ...
As part of the Heritage and Architecture studio, the Vacant Heritage project was offered. An adaptive re-use assignment in which a former Vroom & Dreesmann department store is researched and then designed with. In a broader context, this graduation studio is aimed at finding ...
In the city centre of Almere Haven almost 40% of the public space consists out of unattended backside areas with no spatial quality. With an increasing vacancy in the plinth, the dark unattended corners and parking dominate the street view. It is the place where the bedroom windo ...