S.J.T. Jansen
103 records found
Promoting the private rented sector in metropolitan China
Key challenges and solutions
The private rented sector (PRS) plays an increasingly important role in accommodating young people and migrants in China’s metropolitan cities. However, the PRS in China is still underdeveloped, as evidenced by, e.g. a low degree of professionalisation, lack of basic rental laws
Migration across the urban hierarchy
Has China’s urbanisation transitioned from the primate city stage to the secondary city stage?
The population density in megacities in China gives rise to challenges, such as traffic congestion and soaring housing prices. A trend of leaving primate cities can be observed as well as a population increase in secondary cities. These trends might point to an urbanisation trans
The recent revival of the private rented sector in many regions highlights the importance of understanding the well-being of private renters. While there is a consensus that private renters are less satisfied with their life than homeowners, little attention has been given to exa
In the context of skyrocketing house prices and fierce competition for talents between cities, this study explores the housing pathways of young talents and their future migration plans in Shenzhen, China. Using the housing pathways approach and Bourdieu’s theory of practice with
Understanding civil servants' intentions to open data
Factors influencing behavior to disclose data
Purpose: The opening of government data is high on the policy agenda of governments worldwide. However, data release faces barriers due to limited support of civil servants, whereas the literature neglects civil servants' role in opening data. This paper aims at understanding why
Unraveling the determinants for private renting in metropolitan China
An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
After being neglected since the establishment of the housing market in the 1990s, China has recently shown great enthusiasm for developing the housing rental market. It is essential to understand why people choose private renting as it enables us to better identify the demands of
In recent years, China has witnessed fierce competition for talents among cities. There is evidence that China's first-tier cities are losing their appeal for young talents due to the soaring housing prices and high living costs in first-tier cities, as well as the catch-up of ne
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, Dutch employees were told to work from home as much as possible. Homeworking can have benefits both for employees and employers, as some experience a productivity increase and a better work-life balance. However, it is also harder for employers to me
Waar voorgaande crises gepaard gingen met dalingen in de huizenprijzen, blijft een dergelijke prijscorrectie bij de huidige coronacrisis vooralsnog uit en neemt het groeitempo zelfs toe. Wat zou hieraan ten grondslag liggen — is er soms sprake van een zeepbel?@en
Residential satisfaction of private tenants in China's superstar cities
The case of Shenzhen, China
In recent years, Chinese housing policies have been shifting from encouraging homeownership toward developing the private rented sector, especially in the superstar cities. Nevertheless, what are the target groups and characteristics of private rental housing in Chinese superstar
Architecture students and research courses
Are they aligned? Students’ attitude towards research courses
Research courses are part of many higher education curricula. However, students’ attitudes towards statistics and research courses tend to be negative. One way to measure students’ attitude is with the Revised-Attitudes Towards Research scale (R-ATR). The current study examined:
Security professionals play a decisive role in security risk decision making, with important implications for security in organisations and society. Because of this subjective input in security understanding possible biases in this process is paramount. In this paper, well known
Changing civil servants’ behaviour concerning the opening of governmental data.
Evaluating the effect of a game by comparing civil servants’ intentions before and after a game intervention
Open data policies are increasingly being adopted by governments. However, civil servants find it challenging to comply with open data policies. Gaming can help civil servants to practise opening data and can change their behaviour to support the opening of more data. In this art
Dit hoofdstuk gaat in op de belangrijkste aandachtspunten bij het uitvoeren van een beschrijvende of toetsende analyse. Onderwerpen die worden besproken zijn onder meer toevalsfluctuaties en hypothesetoetsing.@en
There are two ongoing trends that lead to changing preferences for the built environment. One concerns a demographic transition into more but smaller, and older, households. The other concerns greater possibilities to satisfy residential preferences due to rising incomes and tech
Dit hoofdstuk behandelt de opzet van een empirisch onderzoek. Hierbij komen aspecten aan de orde zoals de probleemstelling, de doelstelling, de onderzoeksvragen en het conceptueel model. Op basis van deze informatie kan de keuze gemaakt worden voor een kwalitatieve of kwantitatie
About 20 Million (73%) people in Nepal still do not have access to safely managed drinking water service and 22 million (79%)do not treat their drinking water before consumption. Few studies have addressed the combination of socio-economic characteristics and psychosocial factors
In the Netherlands, the extraction of natural gas from the ground has led to soil subsidence and the occurrence of earthquakes. These earthquakes cause physical damage to buildings and give rise to psychological distress. Research on the impact of natural hazards, such as earthqu
In this article we evaluate the manner in which we at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology encourage the development of the capacity of reflection among our undergraduate students. First we explore the concept of reflection i
In the Netherlands, the extraction of natural gas from the ground has led to soil subsidence and the occurrence of earthquakes. These earthquakes cause physical damage to buildings and also lead to psychological problems and decreased housing satisfaction. Research on the impact