Luca Iuorio
14 records found
The Casco concept as an enabler for interdisciplinary design
Designing with flood risk in Venice, Italy
The environmental crisis demands for an interdisciplinary design of urban infrastructure to increase resilience to climate change. Interdisciplinary design is about integration of data, concepts, ambitions and goals by bridging instrumental differences between engineering and spa
Dams are fragile
The frenzy and legacy of modern infrastructures along the Klamath and Allegheny Rivers
This article discusses the socio-technical process of dam construction in the United States from the early 20th century to the present. It examines how marginal places have been the object of industrial modifications through the inventiveness and entrepreneurship of social groups
Spatial Design Thinking in Coastal Defence Systems
Overtopping Dikes in Southend-On-Sea
Coastal dikes have been built for millennia to protect inhabited lands from exceptional high tides and storm events. Currently, many European countries are developing specific programs to integrate the construction of new dikes (or the raising of existing ones) into the built env
Venice and the lagoon: interdisciplinary design for a sustainable future
The Perfect Lagoon and The Symbiotic System
Venice is representative of the result of anthropocene acts on a vulnerable delta system. Therefore it is an excellent study case for a multidisciplinary team of TU students and tutors, to perform interdisciplinary research and design. Two visions were developed on the shared kno
The undisputable human influences on the Earth’s system demand an urgent change of ways and transitions in human systems to sustain a healthy society in the future. Addressing the urgent climatic transformations in deltaic areas, this paper is an attempt of the Delta Urbanism res
Un secolo di lagune
Progetti mancati, interpretazioni e visioni territoriali
Questo saggio, a partre dall’enorme archivio di proget non realizzat per la laguna di Venezia, contestualizza tre piani (mai realizzat o compiut solo in parte) con l’obietvo generale di defnire nuovi strument e argomentazioni per problematzzare più a fondo gli intervent infrastru
Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Cities (SARCC)
Interdisciplinary Flood Protection Strategies for Southend-on-Sea (UK)
In a world influenced by climate change and consequently sea-level rise, extreme floods are expected to become more frequent in the future, representing a serious threat for riverine and coastal settlements. Therefore, flood protection is a large component of climate adaptation a
Project Summary A4 - Spatial adaptation in coastal environments
New possible synergies between flood protection infrastructure and urban landscape design
Spatial adaptation in coastal environments
New possible synergies between flood protection infrastructure and urban landscape design
The current flood risk-related challenges induced by climate change
place pressure on designing urban areas where natural and man-made
conditions can be imbalanced. Today, flood risk is mostly managed to
reduce the probability of flood events. However, the engineered probability
Spatial design integrates social, cultural, economic, and political perspectives with natural site conditions and man-made construction to plan for sustainable urban development. The current flood-risk-related challenges induced by climate change place pressure on designing citie
Models over time
Waterloopbos and Mississippi River Basin
The development of knowledge about the mechanism in the delta has had a high dependency on projects and techniques available. During the period from 1930 to 1939, there is a consolidation of the achievements and further development of hydraulic engineering techniques, based on mo
Integrated coastal flood design strategies
Changing paradigm in flood risk management
The relation between the design of the flood protection infrastructure and the design of the urbanscape is the focus of this paper with the question on how these two types of design can consciously affect each other. The text presents the preliminary result of an interdisciplinar