A. Romein

121 records found

Regression Analysis

Quantitative exploration of interactions between the built environment and spatial behaviour

In many graduation projects in Spatial Planning and Strategy (SP&S), empirical research and spatial design are intertwined. This chapter introduces regression analysis; a ’family’ of related models of quantitative statistical analysis in empirical research. It is very appropriate ...
The complex institutional, economic, and societal trends that have characterized the post-socialist transition in Central and Eastern European countries have drastically reshaped urban development. The case of Budapest shows that three decades of nearly exclusive market-driven ur ...

Brownfield in Boedapest

Creatieve industrie als strategie voor de herontwikkeling

In veel Midden- en Oost-Europese steden liggen direct rond het centrum brownfields: restanten van industriële complexen uit de socialistische tijd met verwaarloosde gebouwen en ernstige bodemvervuiling. Beleid om ze te saneren en de gebouwen te hergebruiken ontbreekt veelal. In h ...

Wijkpaleis voor iedereen

Creatieve wijkinitiatieven als netwerken

‘Terwijl de stad op het corona-slot ging, was binnen enkele dagen in de lucht, waren er 150 vrijwilligers actief, werden er buurtmaaltijden gekookt, laptops voor kinderen geregeld en buurtmaatjes gelinkt aan bewoners die het moeilijk hadden’, berichtte het NRC ...
It is widely acknowledged that quality of place plays a key role in the emergence and performance of creative clusters. Nevertheless, it is still an embryonic area of investigation in urban design. This chapter presents a comprehensive model to analyse the role of quality of plac ...
Business incubators are considered important contributors to innovation, as they foster and support entrepreneurship. Incubators, nurturing creative start-ups, may also function as ancillary activities in spatially concentrated creative clusters. Furthermore, an incubator itself ...
This report (Deliverable D2.5) refers to URBANWASTE Work Package 2, Task 2.6. Within this deliverable the present situation of waste management in the selected pilot cases ("the baseline") is described. Main goal of the task is the quantification of the status quo with respect to ...

Urban strategies for Waste Management in Tourist Cities. D2.7

Compendium of waste management practices in pilot cities and best practices in touristic cities

This report (Deliverable D2.7) refers to URBANWASTE Work Package 2, Task 2.8. Under this Task the current waste prevention and management practices in the URBANWASTE pilot cases are investigated and best practices coming from the EU context (focussing on touristic processes) are ...
D3.2 aims at analysing the existing literature on tourism and waste behaviour of tourists. Based on this literature review and with the aim of filling the knowledge gap about waste behaviour of tourists, URBANWASTE has developed and circulated 3 surveys for 3 different categories ...
Clusters of cultural and creative industries are rather widespread in and surrounding inner cities. The development and dynamics of these clusters are objects of study of various conceptual approaches: some aim at their role and significance for urban development, others at their ...

Industrial Energy Use and Interventions in Urban Form

Heavy Manufacturing versus New Service and Creative Industries

Now that it becomes obvious that disregarding the seriousness of climate change and the exhaustibility of fossil fuels would have severe and unpredictable impacts, improvement of the efficiency of urban energy consumption is of utmost importance. Hence, a rather diverse spectrum ...
Amsterdam and Rotterdam have followed rather different trajectories after 1970 when deindustrialisation set in. Amsterdam benefited strongly from the growth in financial services, creative and cultural industries (CCIs) and tourism after 1990. Moreover, it has been quite successf ...
Section 3.2@en