D. Stead
344 records found
Water-Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) proposes integrating the management of urban water cycles into urban planning and design as a strategy to better respond to water challenges in the urban environment. Proposed frameworks try capturing urban water sensitivity in terms of generic
Policy packaging for land-use and transport planning
The state-of-the-art
The concept of “policy packaging” has been proposed to provide potential for a greater integration of land-use and transport policies. This study reviews the literature on policy packaging to offer insights into its potential as a tool and a process for integrating land-use and t
Competence for planning usually rests with more than one level of government in a country which creates multi-scalar or multi-level governance for spatial planning. The majority of the 32 countries in the ESPON COMPASS study had three levels of government, though some have two or
Ecological Urbanism and Water Sensitive Urban Design have a central contribution to make in protecting and caring for people, nature and water in cities but readings of Urban Political Ecology evidence how ecological metaphors in urban design can easily translate into discriminat
Reform of European spatial planning systems
Integration, adaptation and participation
Three critical facets of spatial planning are central to defining its character and performance in shaping spatial development: policy integration, the adaptability of plans, and engagement of citizens. This chapter reports on what was learned about general trends in Europe since
Health in mobility planning
An assessment of how health is considered in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
Urban mobility can detrimentally impact city dwellers' health and quality of life, e.g. through air pollution, noise and traffic injuries, but offers opportunities for health promotion, e.g., through active travel. While the health impacts of transport are well k ...
Urban mobility can detrimentally impact city dwellers' health and quality of life, e.g. through air pollution, noise and traffic injuries, but offers opportunities for health promotion, e.g., through active travel. While the health impacts of transport are well k ...
Many references to policy paradigms and paradigm shifts can be found in the transport studies literature. Within this literature, diverse ways of interpreting and measuring paradigms and paradigm shifts are evident. This article critically reviews how paradigms are conceived in t
Agency and Structure in Urban and Regional Planning
An Illustrative Overview and Future Research Agenda
There is extensive literature on the agency of actors in urban and regional planning which draws on a wide range of theoretical lenses and concepts. One of the recurring themes is the relationship between agency and structure—the mutual interdependence between individual actions
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) can potentially bring about major changes in cities. Anticipatory planning approaches may provide valuable opportunities for fostering desirable transitions and pre-empting undesirable impacts. This research employs a combination of two methods to define
Making Water Cultures Globally Mobile
How Knowledge Travels Between The Netherlands and India Through Water Sensitive Urban Design
The Netherlands has initiated a process of ‘policy boosterism’ that attempts to make Dutch urban water culture and its associated imaginary of water sensitivity fit for global export. This strategic shift depends on the collaboration of a mosaic of actors, private and non-private
Governing Resilience Planning
Organizational Structures, Institutional Rules, and Fiscal Incentives in Guangzhou
Researchers and policymakers have long called for a collaborative governance process for climate adaptation and flood resilience. However, this is usually challenging when urban planning is supposed to be integrated with water management. Using the Chinese city of Guangzhou as a
Despite the expected future introduction of autonomous vehicles in cities, very few studies have analysed the needs and challenges facing urban planning. This paper employs a combination of backcasting and Q-methodology to carry out participatory visioning for a future driverless
Developing Xiong’an New Area
A new regime for space production in China’s national technopole?
Xiong’an New Area is not only a newly emerging and nationally endorsed technopole, it is also regarded as a test-bed for novel forms of governance and financial management in China. Although it is currently only in its starting phase, Xiong’an demonstrates that various institutio
This article introduces the 30th anniversary special issue of European Planning Studies. After briefly taking a retrospective look at some of the developments in planning research and practice over the last 30 years the article introduces a set of future-oriented perspectives whi
Spatial planning policy tools
A conceptual model
This chapter outlines a conceptual model for understanding the range of policy tools which can be used in spatial planning. The classification of tools builds on the NATO model (nodality, authority, treasure, and organisation) proposed by Christopher Hood (1986) and differentiate
This article analyses the urban conditions of Chennai, India, and takes a critical look at its planning framework by considering four main aspects: the ecological structures, urban morphology, mobility, and livability. To do so, the article examines policy documents, urban form,
The Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft is organised in six sections: Spatial Planning & Strategy (SPS), Urban Design, Environmental Technology & Design, Urban Studies, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Data Science. SPS has three distinct and complementary pillars: (i
Spatial planning in the face of flood risk
Between inertia and transition
Given the greater risk of flooding in cities due to climate change, spatial planning systems are increasingly expected to contribute to flood resilience. However, incorporating expanded adaption measures in conventional planning practices remains a major challenge due to institut