12 records found

Spatial planning in the face of flood risk

Between inertia and transition

Given the greater risk of flooding in cities due to climate change, spatial planning systems are increasingly expected to contribute to flood resilience. However, incorporating expanded adaption measures in conventional planning practices remains a major challenge due to institut ...
This paper analyzes the regeneration process of Central Railway Station area in Utrecht, the Netherlands, through a public-private partnership and points out that public law establishes a flexible and dynamic planning management and control model; and private law promotes go ...

Pearl River Delta: Scales, Times, Domains

A Mapping Method for the Exploration of Rapidly Urbanizng Deltas

The research aims to provide an understanding of an urbanizing delta in which different scales, times, and domains are related to each other; and to examine how this understanding can be used in a planning and design process in a rapidly urbanizing delta. A mapping method is deve ...

Research and Design of Urban Landscapes: The Delft Approach

Interview with Dr. Steffen Nijhuis, Delft University of Technology

In this essay, the Delft Approach refers to a particular landscape architecture approach to understand and design urban landscapes, which is developed in the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment at Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) since 1947 (Fig. 1-2). T ...
Deltaic areas are among the most promising regions in the world. Their
strategic location and superior quality of their soils are core factors supporting both human development and the rise of these regions as global economic hubs. At the same time, however, deltas are extrem ...
Deltaic areas are among the most promising regions in the world. Their strategic location, combined with the superior quality of their soils, constitute the main factors that have been supporting both human development and the rise of these regions as global economic hubs. At the ...
Urban deltas belong to the most promising regions considering their population concentrations, ecosystems service and economy significance. Meanwhile these regions are facing multiple threats and are extreme vulnerable for increasing flood risk, damage of social and ecological va ...

Marker Wadden, the Netherlands

A Building-with-nature Exploration

The Marker Wadden finds a good balance between traditional wisdom and technology advance. On the one hand, based on the polder model, a traditional consensus way of planning and decision-making in the Netherlands, the Marker Wadden project is created by an alliance of both public ...