The Pearl River Delta (PRD) region represents delta urbanism in the Chinese context. In the past four decades, massive urbanization happened and transformed its deltaic landscape with unexpected speed and magnitude. Based on the review of its development trajectory, this chapter
The Pearl River Delta (PRD) region represents delta urbanism in the Chinese context. In the past four decades, massive urbanization happened and transformed its deltaic landscape with unexpected speed and magnitude. Based on the review of its development trajectory, this chapter focuses on the planning of green infrastructure in this region as a strategy to promote ecological civilization. The case demonstrates the increasing design thinking in regional planning in Chinese mega regions. By re-embracing natural landscape in future development, it responds to issues brought by the economic-driven development model in the past - diminished environmental quality and uneven development between urban and rural areas. The visionary and strategic thinking embedded in the planning, design and implementation of the regional greenway network has stimulated collaboration among various levels of governments, as well as different disciplines and stakeholders. While the early phase of the greenway construction focused mainly on the provision of public green spaces and cycling paths, a shift towards regional green infrastructure has been facilitated recently by the provincial government, with the South China Historical Trail, the blueways enhancing ecological corridors, and a “Greener” Bay Area of the PRD. With this case as an example, the authors reflect on the current status of regional design in China.