The concept of “policy packaging” has been proposed to provide potential for a greater integration of land-use and transport policies. This study reviews the literature on policy packaging to offer insights into its potential as a tool and a process for integrating land-use and t
The concept of “policy packaging” has been proposed to provide potential for a greater integration of land-use and transport policies. This study reviews the literature on policy packaging to offer insights into its potential as a tool and a process for integrating land-use and transport policy and considers how policy packages could enhance the collaboration between land-use and transport policy actors. The review indicates that policy packages are used in land-use and transport planning, but there are often differences in the level of integration of land-use and transport policy measures. At lower levels of governance, there is more focus on transport policy measures than land-use measures. The process of packaging policies follows a similar sequence of steps as the general policy cycle, and the choice of approach – participatory, technological, or a mix – represents a critical factor in packaging land-use and transport policies. This article identifies five key conditions which may lead to more integrated land-use and transport policy packages.@en