This report (Deliverable D2.5) refers to URBANWASTE Work Package 2, Task 2.6. Within this deliverable the present situation of waste management in the selected pilot cases ("the baseline") is described. Main goal of the task is the quantification of the status quo with respect to
This report (Deliverable D2.5) refers to URBANWASTE Work Package 2, Task 2.6. Within this deliverable the present situation of waste management in the selected pilot cases ("the baseline") is described. Main goal of the task is the quantification of the status quo with respect to tourist waste production and to the total urban production of waste in the pilot cities before the implementation of the URBANWASTE strategies (developed in WP 4). The actual waste generation and treatment of each pilot case also considering spatial data is described and an assessment of environmental, social and economic impacts is performed.
Further, the results of this work package serve as a basis for further decision- making. The output of this status quo assessment shall assist the decision-making process within WP 4 to set specific targets for each pilot case. It shall support the development of strategies in waste prevention and management policies within WP 4. Selected waste prevention and management measures will be implemented in each pilot case within WP6 and they will be subsequently assessed within WP 7 aiming at displaying improvements (reduced impacts by implementing innovative waste management strategies in touristic processes).
The database of the selected pilot cases (Copenhagen, Dubrovnik, Florence, Kavala, Lisbon, Nice, Nicosia, Ponta Delgada, Syracuse, Tenerife) generated within Task 2.5 is critically reviewed, inconsistencies are clarified and missing data are included. The database is assessed by a benchmarking process with three cities (Berlin, Vienna, Zurich) providing reliable waste management data and showing bestâpractice examples in waste prevention and management. This comparison allowed a plausibility check of the background data and indicator sets.
Based on the results of the analysis of the database, differences and similarities regarding the material, waste and energy flows, touristic processes and background conditions of the selected pilot cities are described.
The last aspect in this report is the general evaluation of touristic impact on waste generation. The evaluation of the environmental impacts of waste management practise in selected pilot cities is carried out by using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This gives the possibility to figure out on the one hand hotspots of environmental impacts and on the other hand, to identify the most promising waste prevention and recycling measures in terms of environmental impacts resulting from tourist waste.@en