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F. Avallone

13 records found

Desert sand acoustic emissions are produced when a “sonic sand” is sheared locally or by a natural dune slipface avalanche, resulting in a brassy sound between 50 and 400 Hz. This type of sediment exhibits particular granulometric, shape and surface characteristics, due to the gr ...
Interest in powered flight on Mars has been growing in recent years, and as such new developments are being made in determining the effects the Martian atmosphere has on the flow physics and performance, specifically with regards to similarity parameters: the Reynolds number & ...
Supersonic flows cause thin panels to flutter, which is characterized by high-amplitude self-sustained oscillations, increasing the risk of fatigue failure. Flutter is known to be exacerbated when a shock wave impinges on the panel, creating a shock wave/boundary-layer interactio ...

Wall-normal pores for turbulent drag reduction

Experimental investigation into drag performance and flow mechanics

Flat surfaces with arrays of wall-normal pores called micro-cavity arrays have shown potential to reduce turbulent skin friction drag. Their designs have been inspired by acoustic liners which are sandwich panels consisting of a hon ...

This work presents an experimental and analytical investigation of unsteady loading of a low Reynolds number propeller and its relation to aeroacoustics. The propeller is positioned at an angle of attack with respect to the freestream which causes a variation in loading along the ...
The increasing importance of climate change and stricter regulations for greenhouse gas emissions raise the pressure on the automotive industry to develop more efficient products. Besides a reduction of emissions by new combustion engines, electric vehicles are being introduced t ...
Airfoils in deep stall have been a subject of extensive computational discussion in the past, with multiple efforts being performed by various institutions to test their solvers and turbulence/hybrid sub-grid scale (SGS) models for their use in massively separated flows. This ca ...
In the global search to more sustainable developments, research in the field of propeller propulsion systems is experiencing a renewed interest. The combination of efficiency and noise production is not studied as extensively as propeller efficiency alone in past studies. In this ...
Wingtip-mounted propellers have the ability to enhance the propeller-wing system performance. For inboard-up rotating tractor propellers, the swirl in the propeller slipstream can be used on the wing to reduce the influence of the wingtip vortex, decreasing drag. Furthermore, lif ...
With the goal of decreasing the environmental impact of aircraft, ducted propellers emerge as an efficient propulsive alternative. Ducts are able to increase the thrust to power ratio of a propeller system by both producing thrust and/or lowering tip losses of propellers. In this ...
The boundary layer transition location is a crucial design parameter in aerodynamics. The computational prediction of boundary layer transition in engineering applications is typically based on empirical models. These models require experimental measurements for calibration and v ...
In the context of the ongoing research regarding boundary layer transition, this project aims to study the effects of isolated cylindrical roughness elements on the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in a swept wing boundary layer. The project entails experimental campaign ...
One of the major challenges that engineers face when designing a high speed vehicle is aerodynamics heating. While ideally the external surfaces are expected to maintain a smooth profile, this is not the case in most vehicles, which might be laden with discontinuities like steps, ...