
M. van Nesselrooij

3 records found

Turbulent boundary layer trailing edge noise is becoming an increasingly important problem in wind turbine applications. The wind turbine rotor diameter is expected to keep growing bigger in the future and trailing edge noise is known to scale with the relati ...

Wall-normal pores for turbulent drag reduction

Experimental investigation into drag performance and flow mechanics

Flat surfaces with arrays of wall-normal pores called micro-cavity arrays have shown potential to reduce turbulent skin friction drag. Their designs have been inspired by acoustic liners which are sandwich panels consisting of a hon ...

Turbulent boundary layers over surfaces with streamwise-preferential permeability

Experimental investigation into the drag and flow mechanics

Turbulent drag is the largest source of fuel consumption in aviation and forms a significant contribution to climate warming. Recent numerical studies have suggested the ability of surfaces with streamwise-preferential permeability to reduce turbulent friction, and a theoretical ...