D. Ragni
259 records found
This paper presents an experimental investigation into the aeroacoustic and aerodynamic impact of various flow-permeable fairings having different levels of airflow resistivity, including wire meshes, perforated plates, and 3D-printed materials based on the repetition of diamond-
Sound propagation in closed test section wind tunnels suffers from reflections and diffraction, which compromise acoustic measurements. In this article, it is proved possible to improve the post-processing of phased-array microphone measurements by using an approach based on the
Electric aircraft is a promising alternative to conventional fuel-based aircraft, offering reduced greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced operational efficiency. To ensure seamless operations and optimize energy management, accurate electric aircraft charging demand prediction bec
Commercial aircraft electrification and novel urban air mobility vehicles under development have brought renewed interest in propeller noise to the research community. The complex noise generation mechanisms and broad range of possible configurations lead to the development of a
The noise emission of a simplified two-wheel nose landing gear configuration featuring a detachable porous fairing is investigated by a hybrid CFD/CAA approach. The noise mitigation properties of the porous fairing are discussed and compared against two reference configurations,
Permeable materials are a promising trailing edge noise reduction technique. The noise reduction is a result of the unsteady interaction between the two communicating boundary layers, in a process referred to as the pressure release mechanism. However, in practice the aeroacousti
The attachment of porous media to a blunt trailing edge (TE) can significantly suppress vortex shedding processes and the related tonal noise, yet the near-wall and internal flow fields of porous media are difficult to analyze experimentally and rely on numerical simulations to e
This work focuses on the assessment of the accuracy of numerical prediction and experimental campaigns on providing the noise emissions of an isolated benchmark propeller. An experimental campaign is carried out with a model low-Reynolds propeller of 0.3 m diameter operating at h
This paper aims to investigate, by means of Lattice-Boltzmann simulations, the flow-field and far-field noise of two co-axial co-rotating rotors operating at 3000 rpm in hover conditions. The two co-rotating configurations are made by 2×2-bladed rotors with a fixed axial separati
This work describes a multidisciplinary framework proposed for the preliminary design assessment of urban air mobility (UAM) vehicles, which includes estimations of vehicle per- formance and acoustic emissions. Established analytical and semi-empirical methods for aircraft design
This study presents a numerical investigation of the aerodynamic and aeroacoustics behavior of side-by-side rotors in proximity to the ground. The configuration developed in the European H2020 project ENODISE is used as a reference. It features two counter-rotating APC 6x4 propel
The distortion of turbulence interacting with thick airfoils is analyzed with scale-resolved numerical simulations to elucidate its impact on leading-edge-noise generation and prediction. The effect of the leading-edge geometry is investigated by considering two airfoils with dif
The present study focuses on the application of finlet rails as a passive technique of flow control to mitigate trailing-edge noise. Finlet rails are small cylinders whose axes are aligned along the streamwise direction, transversally positioned with respect to the trailing edge.
A physical analysis has been conducted to assess the effects of turbulence distortion on leading-edge noise generation and low-fidelity modeling in the framework of Amiet's theory. This model retrieves the power spectral density (PSD) of far-field noise using as input the upwash
Two passive add-on porous fairings, comprised of diamond grids varying in size, are numerically and experimentally investigated for their effectiveness in mitigating landing gear noise. The baseline landing gear, a modified version of the LAGOON landing gear with its inner rim ca
Correction Notice 1. The vertical axis ticks in the subfigures of Fig 10 should be reverted to align with the global coordinate system of the simulation domain. The updated figure is presented below. Not the one presented in the original manuscript. (Figure Presented).@en
Acoustic spectra of rotor noise yield frequency distributions of energy within pressure time series. However, they are unable to reveal phase relations between different frequency components while these play a role in the fundamental understanding of low-frequency intensity modul
A solid fairing and a wire-mesh fairing consisting of very fine wires and pores are numerically and experimentally investigated for the mitigation of landing gear noise. A slightly modified LAGOON landing gear and two configurations, one equipped with a solid fairing and the othe
Motivated by the potential benefit of Strut-Braced Wing (SBW) configurations in reducing fuel burn, this manuscript investigates the noise generated by the interaction between the propeller slipstream and the SBW. The flow field on a regional transport aircraft is computed in hig