H.F. Mourão Bento
5 records found
Sound propagation in closed test section wind tunnels suffers from reflections and diffraction, which compromise acoustic measurements. In this article, it is proved possible to improve the post-processing of phased-array microphone measurements by using an approach based on the
Aeroacoustic tests in closed wind tunnels are affected by reflections in the tunnel circuit and background noise. Reflections can be mitigated by lining the tunnel circuit. The present study investigates if lining exclusively the most accessible segment of a closed wind tunnel ci
Microphone measurements in a closed test section wind tunnel are affected by turbulent boundary layer (TBL) pressure fluctuations. These fluctuations are mitigated by placing the microphones at the bottom of cavities, usually covered with a thin, acoustically transparent material
Sound absorbing porous materials are used to line a wind tunnel wall, in order to reduce reflections. However, the lining can have a detrimental effect on the acoustic measurements due to an increase in the noise radiated from the walls. In addition, the aerodynamic fidelity of t
Ducted propellers constitute an efficient propulsion-system alternative to reduce the environmental impact of aircraft. These systems are able to increase the thrust-to-power ratio of a propeller system by both producing thrust and by lowering tip losses of propellers. In this re