L.L.M. Veldhuis
134 records found
This paper presents an improved approach for fast numerical modeling of the mutual aerodynamic interactions between a wing and tractor propellers for preliminary design purposes. Vortex methods are used to model the propeller and wing aerodynamic performance. The blade element mo
The goal of this study is to determine the aero-propulsive performance of an over-the-wing distributed propulsion (OTWDP) system, and to understand how it depends on various operating conditions. For this, a windtunnel test is performed with a simplified OTWDP geometry consisting
Multi-Element Airfoil in Jet Flows
Identifying Dominant Factors and Interactions
Propeller–wing–flap systems are subject to complex aerodynamic interactions between each part of the system. Although the propeller–wing interaction in cruise conditions is well defined, the high-lift condition is relatively unexplored. Effective analysis of the complex aerodynam
With the rise of distributed propeller concepts, there is an increased interest in quantifying the interaction between propeller slipstream and wing. It is known from literature that the local upwash induced by the propeller swirl can lead to a reduction of the wing-induced drag,
Instability of Rotating-Cone Boundary Layer in Axial Inflow
Effect of Cone Angle
Boundary-layer instability on a rotating cone induces coherent spiral vortices that are linked to the onset of laminar–turbulent transition. This type of transition is relevant to several aerospace systems with rotating components, e.g., aeroengine nose cones. Because a variety o
Experiments were performed using a wall-to-wall unswept and untapered wing with a single slotted flap and a propeller, to obtain a validation dataset and gain insight into primary flow phenomena in propeller-wing-flap interactions. Measurements were taken using pressure taps, a w
This work shows the behaviour of an unstable boundary-layer on rotating cones in high-speed flow conditions: high Reynolds number Rel > 106, low rotational speed ratio S < 1–1.5, and inflow Mach number M = 0.5. These conditions are most-commonly encountered on rotating aero
Accurately measuring small changes in aerodynamic drag over a flat surface stands at the core of the development of technologies capable of reducing turbulent friction drag. A wind tunnel drag measurement system was developed which improves significantly on the state of the art.
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is one of eight faculties at Delft University of Technology. It is one of the most comprehensive academic and innovation communities worldwide focusing on aerospace engineering. Its 120 professors and 70 researchers are mentoring and teaching
Boundary-layer ingestion (BLI) is a propulsor–airframe integration technology that promises substantial fuel consumption benefits for future civil aircraft. This paper discusses an experimental study, conducted within the European Union–funded Horizon 2020 CENTRELINE project, on
Sub-scale flight test model design
Developments, challenges and opportunities
Growing interest in unconventional aircraft designs coupled with miniaturization of electronics and advancements in manufacturing techniques have revived the interest in the use of Sub-scale Flight Testing (SFT) to study the flight behaviour of full-scale aircraft in the early st
In this study, unsteady RANS simulations are performed to investigate the effect of over-the-wing (OTW) propeller inclination on the aerodynamic interaction with a wing featuring a plain flap. A comparison to experimental data shows that the numerical approach is capable of model
This experimental study focuses on the aerodynamic interaction between an over-the-wing (OTW) propeller and a wing boundary layer. An OTW propeller is positioned above the hinge line of a wing with a trailing-edge flap. Measurements are carried out with and without axial pressure
In this combined experimental and numerical study, the propeller–airframe aerodynamic interaction is characterized for an aircraft configuration with propellers mounted to the horizontal tailplane. The contributions of the propeller and airframe to the overall loading are disting
An experimental dataset is presented of propeller performance in static condition and at low subsonic airspeeds for various angles of attack up to 90 deg. Numerical investigation through a Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes computational fluid dynamics model revealed the mechanisms
Centrifugal instability of the boundary layer is known to induce spiral vortices over a rotating slender cone that is facing an axial inflow. This paper shows how a deviation from the symmetry of such axial inflow affects the boundary layer instability over a rotating slender con
Many electric vertical takeoff and landing concepts are characterized by nontraditional vehicle layouts with distributed propellers. Two propeller interaction types were distinguished in this Paper, which investigates how propeller interaction in side-by-side and one-after-anothe
At the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games, zigzag tape was introduced on the race suit lower legs and cap of speed skaters. Application of these zigzag devices on live skaters and cylinders in the wind tunnel showed large improvements in the aerodynamic drag. These wind-tunnel resu
View Video Presentation: https://doi-org.tudelft.idm.oclc.org/10.2514/6.2021-2467.vid
Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) is a technology that promises fuel consumption benefits for future civil aircraft. However, it introduces detrimental aerodynamic interactions between the ...
Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) is a technology that promises fuel consumption benefits for future civil aircraft. However, it introduces detrimental aerodynamic interactions between the ...
This article describes an experimental investigation of the aerodynamic interaction that occurs between distributed propellers in forward flight. To this end, three propellers were installed in close proximity in a wind tunnel, and the changes in their performance, flow-field cha