F.F.J. Schrijer
153 records found
In this paper, a non-intrusive pressure measurement scheme based on particle image velocimetry (PIV) is presented for the complex supersonic flows with intense shock systems, by elaborately combining the MacCormack method, the streamline-based method, and the spatial integration
In this study, the macroscopic properties of kerosene-H2 blended flames are investigated in a multi-phase, multi-fuel combustor, focusing on the effects of increasing H2 blending fractions. The non-reacting flow field of the swirl-stabilized combustor is cha
Wall-resolved large-eddy simulations (LES) are performed to investigate Reynolds number effects in supersonic turbulent boundary layers (TBLs) at Mach 2.0. The resulting database covers more than a decade of friction Reynolds number Reτ, from 242 to 5554, which conside
For the largest wind turbines currently designed, when operating at rated power and at high wind speeds, the tip airfoils can experience large negative angles of attack. For these conditions and in combination with turbulence, the airfoils are at risk of reaching locally superson
Modern launcher configurations, often characterized by a larger diameter in the payload fairing than the rest of the launch vehicle (hammerhead configuration), face significant challenges during transonic operations, given their susceptibility to flow separation and intense press
In this experimental study, the effect of three-dimensional shock control bumps (SCB) on impinging-reflecting shock wave/boundary layer interactions (SWBLI) is investigated as a passive control method. The aim is to develop an understanding of the influence of such devices on the
Recent numerical studies have suggested the potential of substrates with streamwise-preferential permeability to reduce drag in turbulent boundary layers. Such a substrate is theorized to facilitate relaxation of the no-slip condition and thereby reduce the skin friction. So far,
The Leaky Cauldron
An experimental study of the icy plumes of Enceladus
The discovery of vast subsurface oceans hidden under kilometers of ices on icy moons in our Solar System has sparked worldwide interests in ascertaining their potential habitability. In the case of Saturn’s moon Enceladus, supersonic plumes of water vapour and icy grains have bee
Hammerhead launcher configurations, characterized by a larger diameter in the payload fairing than the rest of the launch vehicle, face substantial challenges during transonic operations due to their susceptibility to flow separation and intense pressure fluctuations. This experi
The dynamic coupling between a Mach 2.0 shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction (STBLI) and a flexible panel is investigated. Wall-resolved large-eddy simulations are performed for a baseline interaction over a flat-rigid wall, a coupled interaction with a flexible panel,
Supersonic plumes of water vapour and icy particles have been observed by the Cassini spacecraft during several flybys over Enceladus. These plumes originate from the Tiger Stripes located in the South Polar Terrain (SPT), and indicate the presence of a subsurface ocean under the
We present an experimental realisation of spatial spanwise forcing in a turbulent boundary layer flow, aimed at reducing the frictional drag. The forcing is achieved by a series of spanwise running belts, running in alternating spanwise direction, thereby generating a steady spat
We investigate Reynolds number effects in strong shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions (STBLI) by leveraging a new database of wall-resolved and long-integrated large-eddy simulations. The database encompasses STBLI with massive boundary-layer separation at Mach 2.0, i
Highly separated transitional shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions
A spatial modal study
At cruise altitudes, the Reynolds number may become sufficiently low to allow a laminar boundary layer to persist on the suction side of a transonic fan blade up to the shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction (SBLI). In such a transitional SBLI with sufficiently large shock-induced
Wall-resolved large-eddy simulations (LES) are carried out to investigate the aeroelastic coupling between a Mach 2.0 impinging shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction (STBLI) and a flexible thin-panel. After the initial transient, the panel exhibits self-sustained oscill
This experimental study investigates the use of shock control bumps (SCBs) for controlling transonic buffet. Threedimensional SCBs have been applied on the suction side of an OAT15A supercritical airfoil with the experiments conducted in the transonic–supersonic wind tunnel of De
Chevron-shaped protrusions have been proposed in the literature for turbulent skin friction reduction. However, there is no consensus on the performance of this passive flow control technique; both an increase and a decrease in drag have been observed in previous studies. There i
In this experimental study, panel flutter induced by an impinging oblique shockwave is investigated at a freestream Mach number of 2, using the combination of planar particle image velocimetry (PIV) and stereographic digital image correlation (DIC) to obtain simultaneous full-fie
The interaction between a shock wave and a boundary layer is a topic of primary relevance in high-speed aerodynamics, as it may deteriorate the vehicle performance, and can even lead to structural damage. Over the years, many researchers have investigated various control techniqu
Instability of Rotating-Cone Boundary Layer in Axial Inflow
Effect of Cone Angle
Boundary-layer instability on a rotating cone induces coherent spiral vortices that are linked to the onset of laminar–turbulent transition. This type of transition is relevant to several aerospace systems with rotating components, e.g., aeroengine nose cones. Because a variety o