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49 records found


Vortex generators (VGs) have proven their capabilities in wind turbine applications to delay stall in steady flow conditions. However, their behaviour in unsteady conditions is insufficiently understood. This paper presents an experimental study that demonstrates the effect of ...

As wind farms tend to move towards deeper waters with better wind resources, the classical top-heavy horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) become particularly challenging. This raises the question whether other concepts could be more suitable and compatible with the deep-sea floa ...

Since the first commercial projects, the development of vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) has been impeded by the limited understanding and inability to accurately model VAWTs. This paper investigates and compares different aerodynamic modelling techniques for VAWTs in 3D. A ...

In this work, we demonstrate to what extent it is possible to use load optimisation to aerodynamically damp the floater motion of vertical-axis wind turbines. The loadform of a VAWT can be altered to the desired objective using an individual blade-pitch schedule. A coupled hyd ...

This paper presents a new dynamic inflow model for vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs). The model uses the principle of Duhamel's integral. The indicial function of the inflow- and crossflow-induction required to apply Duhamel's integral is represented by an exponential functi ...

The paper presents an experimental study of applying variable loads on a vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT). The experiment is conducted in an open-jet wind tunnel on a two-bladed Darrieus VAWT equipped with active individual blade pitch control. Variable loads are achieved by ...

This paper deals with the 3D effects of a vertical-axis wind turbine caused by the tip vortices. In this study, the VAWT rotor is simplified by the infinitely bladed actuator cylinder concept. The loads are prescribed to be uniform and normal to the surface and are distributed ...

This paper investigates the need for dynamic inflow models for vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs). The approach is two-fold. First, dynamic inflow is realised by dynamic thrust on an actuator disk in OpenFOAM. The induction phase shift and amplitude showed a significant depen ...

Two new engineering models are presented for the aerodynamic induction of a wind turbine under dynamic thrust. The models are developed using the differential form of Duhamel integrals of indicial responses of actuator disc type vortex models. The time constants of the indicia ...

To advance the design of a multimegawatt vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT), application-specific airfoils need to be developed. In this research, airfoils are tailored for a VAWT with variable pitch. A genetic algorithm is used to optimise the airfoil shape considering a balance ...

An extended actuator cylinder model

Actuator-in-actuator cylinder (AC-squared) model

In this paper, the actuator-in-actuator cylinder (AC-squared) model is presented. This model is an extension of the original actuator cylinder model of Madsen and is capable of modelling the effect of a two concentric actuation surfaces in 2D. The induced velocity at every poi ...

Passive vane-type vortex generators (VGs) are commonly used on wind turbine blades to mitigate the effects of flow separation. However, significant uncertainty surrounds VG design guidelines. Understanding the influence of VG parameters on airfoil performance requires a system ...

To assess and optimize vortex generators (VGs) for flow separation control, the effect of these devices should be modelled in a cost and time efficient way. Therefore, it is of interest to extend integral boundary layer models to analyse the effect of VGs on airfoil performanc ...

Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) in double-rotor configuration, meaning two rotors in close proximity, have the ability to enhance the power performance. In this study, we work towards the understanding of vertical-axis wind turbines in double-rotor configuration. Numerical ...


Under real sea conditions, floating vertical-axis tidal turbines experience motions in six degrees of freedom which influence the relative velocity perceived at the turbine's blades, with a direct effect on the loading and performance of the rotor. Understanding the fluid-structu ...
The quasi-steady model (QSM) was developed to calculate the power output of a soft-wing airborne wind energy (AWE) system operated in pumping cycles. The comparison with experimental data shows that the original formulation of the model underestimates the power output. The model ...
This research presents the modelling of struts of a vertical axis wind turbine and its effects on the wake and performance. The 3D non-linear lifting line solver CACTUS is extended to include the struts in the rotor as lifting bodies. A case study is performed for different strut ...
The vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) concept in its current, fixed-pitch iteration is hindered by lower aerodynamic efficiency compared to existing horizontal axis wind turbines. Implementing a form of circulation control on the VAWT by actively pitching the blades throughout th ...
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the influence between the two counter-rotating VAWT rotors with the Double Actuator Cylinder (DAC) model which will be validated against the panel code. The DAC model is developed from the original Actuator Cylinder (AC) model which includes ...