Impact of dynamic stall model tailoring on wind turbine loads and performance prediction
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The future of wind turbines will be characterised by long, slender blades subject to dynamic inflow and aeroelastic deflections. This makes the next generation of blades more prone to encounter dynamic stall effects, in which significant forces and loads fluctuations can be expected. Dynamic stall models can be tailored to suit the aerodynamics of different airfoils. Although different dynamic stall models exist, the impact of the choice of model, its implementation and calibration on the overall wind turbine performance remains to be assessed. In this work, we gathered an experimental dynamic dataset for a representative airfoil, the FFA-W3-211, to define the semi-empirical time constants for the Beddoes-Leishman dynamic stall model. An important differentiation is made between stall regions for positive and negative angles of attack, and the impact of tailored coefficients is assessed at airfoil scale. The difference between the tailored and untailored model is quantified for power performance and loads of the IEA 15 MW reference wind turbine. The results highlight a significant load over-prediction from the untailored Beddoes-Leishman model, whereas changes in power performance are negligible.