Reynolds number effects in shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions
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We investigate Reynolds number effects in strong shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions (STBLI) by leveraging a new database of wall-resolved and long-integrated large-eddy simulations. The database encompasses STBLI with massive boundary-layer separation at Mach 2.0, impinging-shock angle 40◦ and friction Reynolds numbers Reτ 355, 1226 and 5118. Our analysis shows that the shape of the reverse-flow bubble is notably different at low and high Reynolds number, while the mean-flow separation length, separation-shock angle and incipient plateau pressure are rather insensitive to Reynolds number variations. Velocity statistics reveal a shift in the peak location of the streamwise Reynolds stress from the separation-shock foot to the core of the detached shear layer at high Reynolds number, which we attribute to increased pressure transport in the separation-shock excursion domain. Additionally, in the high Reynolds case, the separation shock originates deep within the turbulent boundary, resulting in intensified wall-pressure fluctuations and spanwise variations associated with the passage of coherent velocity structures. Temporal spectra of various signals show energetic low-frequency content in all cases, along with a distinct peak in the bubble-volume spectra at a separation-length-based Strouhal number StLsep ≈ 0.1. The separation shock is also found to lag behind bubble-volume variations, consistent with the acoustic propagation time from reattachment to separation and a downstream mechanism driving the shock motion. Finally, dynamic mode decomposition of three-dimensional fields suggests a Reynolds-independent statistical link among separation-shock excursions, velocity streaks and large-scale vortices at low frequencies.