Impinging Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interactions Control With Shock Control Bumps
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In this experimental study, the effect of three-dimensional shock control bumps (SCB) on impinging-reflecting shock wave/boundary layer interactions (SWBLI) is investigated as a passive control method. The aim is to develop an understanding of the influence of such devices on the interaction structure by studying the position of the bump with respect to the shock-impingement location. The experiments were conducted in the ST-15 wind-tunnel at the Delft University of Technology for fully developed turbulent boundary layer conditions with Mach number of 2. The effectiveness was assessed by examining the size of the separated flow region, as well as the downstream boundary layer velocity profile. Stereo-PIV was employed as the main diagnostic method to characterise the three-dimensional flow field. Additionally, the effect of shock impingement location on the unsteady interaction dynamics was examined by analyzing the separation size and reflected shock foot position in the instantaneous flow. The investigation revealed the significance of the shock impingement location in terms of control effectiveness. Nevertheless, placement of the bump in the interaction region substantially decreased the probability of flow separation even in off-design conditions when compared to the uncontrolled interaction.