W.J. Baars
26 records found
Acoustic spectra of rotor noise yield frequency distributions of energy within pressure time series. However, they are unable to reveal phase relations between different frequency components while these play a role in the fundamental understanding of low-frequency intensity modul
Helmholtz resonators flush-mounted in a wall beneath turbulent boundary layer flow are studied by focusing on their flow-induced excitation and effect on the grazing turbulent flow. A particular focus lies on single resonators tuned to the most intense spatio-temporal fluctuation
We investigate the impact of a single miniature Helmholtz resonator on wall-bounded turbulence using time-resolved planar particle image velocimetry. A particular aim is to explain the mechanism by which a resonator alters the turbulent velocity fluctuations of different scales.
Ducted rotors are configurations known to outperform their unducted reference baselines when aerodynamic performance is concerned. Aside from aerodynamic benefits in hover, a duct also affects acoustic emissions. One of the most contended design parameters of a duct-rotor assembl
Wall-pressure spectra and coherence between wall-pressure and streamwise velocity in a turbulent pipe flow are presented. An experimental investigation was conducted in the CICLoPE long-pipe facility at friction Reynolds numbers in the range of 4700≲Reτ≲46000. Wall-pre
This work explores the dynamic response of a turbulent boundary layer to large-scale reactive opposition control, at a friction Reynolds number of Reτ≈2240. A surface-mounted hot-film is employed as the input sensor, capturing large-scale fluctuations in the wall-shear stress, an
Wall-pressure fluctuations are a practically robust input for real-time control systems aimed at modifying wall-bounded turbulence. The scaling behaviour of the wall-pressure-velocity coupling requires investigation to properly design a controller with such input data so that it
We investigate the underlying physics behind the change in amplitude modulation coefficient in noncanonical wall-bounded flows in the framework of the inner-outer interaction model (IOIM) [Baars, Phys. Rev. Fluids 1, 054406 (2016)2469-990X10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.054406]. The IOIM
Chevron-shaped protrusions have been proposed in the literature for turbulent skin friction reduction. However, there is no consensus on the performance of this passive flow control technique; both an increase and a decrease in drag have been observed in previous studies. There i
The unsteady flow behaviour of two side-by-side rotors in ground proximity is experimentally investigated. The rotors induce a velocity distribution interacting with the ground causing the radial expansion of the rotor wakes. In between the rotors, an interaction of the two wakes
A semi-emperical model is developed, able to capture the aeropropulsive performance characteristics of Over-The-Wing propellers at incidence. The model is based on an hypothesis on the interactions of the propeller- and wing-induced flow fields. Effects of these interactions on t
Rotor noise comprises harmonic features, related to the blade passing frequency, as well as broadband noise. Even though acoustic spectra yield frequency-distributions of acoustic energy within pressure time series, they do not reveal phase-relations between different frequency c
Aeropropulsive Performance Modelling of Over-The-Wing Propulsion at Incidence (AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA AVIATION Forum 2023)
Equation 3 for the induced velocity factor a in the section III.B should be: (Formula presented) Instead of: (Formula presented) The first sentence of Chapter V should read that an angle of attack of 8° positions the propeller in a strong adverse pressure gradient, not a strong a
An experimental investigation is conducted to study the aerodynamic behavior of a two-rotor system in ground proximity. The counter-rotating rotors are placed side-by-side in the hovering condition. The time-averaged and unsteady flow behavior is studied when the rotor-to-rotor l
A large-scale spanwise and wall-normal array of sonic anemometers in the atmospheric surface layer is used to acquire all three components of instantaneous fluctuating velocity as well as temperature in a range of stability conditions. These data permit investigation of the three
Rotating discs, flush-mounted within the wall beneath a turbulent boundary layer, affect the large-scale flow dynamics. An organized array of rotating discs is a surrogate for the transverse-oscillating wall concept that is known to reduce turbulent friction drag, since the conve
Since wall-pressure fluctuations would form a practically-robust input to a real-time active controller of wall-bounded turbulence, it is of high practical interest to study the scaling behavior of the wall-pressure-velocity coupling. This work investigates the coupling of the wa
Abstract: This work combines the latest advancements in time marching of 3D vector fields from tomographic particle image velocimetry, with an adapted version of Lighthill’s formulation, for the prediction of far-field jet noise. Three-dimensional velocity vector fields of the je
Turbulent convection systems are known to give rise to prominent large-scale circulation. At the same time, the 'background' (or 'small-scale') turbulence is also highly relevant and e.g. carries the majority of the heat transport in the bulk of the flow. Here, we investigate how