P.N.A.M. Visser

231 records found

NASA’s ACS3 mission will be the first Earth-bound solar-sail mission to fly so-called calibration steering laws. These steering laws are designed to expose the sailcraft to a variety of dynamical conditions to isolate the effects of different parameters on the dynamics, thereby f ...
Uncertainties in radiation pressure modelling play a significant role in the thermospheric density and crosswind observations derived from the GRACE-FO accelerometer, especially during low solar activity. Under such conditions, the radiation pressure acceleration matches the magn ...
This study investigates the influence of ocean currents on wave modeling and satellite observations using in situ wave measurements from the One Ocean Expedition 2021–2023. In January 2023, six OpenMetBuoy drifters were deployed in the Agulhas Current region. Their high immersion ...
Solar sailing is a propulsion method that takes advantage of solar radiation pressure to generate thrust. Although most of near-future solar-sail missions will fly in low Earth orbit, where planetary radiation pressure can be as large as 20% of solar radiation pressure, studies o ...
Solar sailing is a propulsion method that uses solar radiation pressure (SRP) as main source of thrust and is therefore particularly suited for heliocentric flight regimes. However, the vast majority of sailcraft launched to date have flown around Earth, as will those scheduled f ...
This study presents the first azimuth cutoff analysis in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) altimetry, aiming to assess its applicability in characterizing sea-state dynamics. In SAR imaging, the azimuth cutoff serves as a proxy for the shortest waves, in terms of wavelength, that ca ...
In the coming decade, JUICE and Europa Clipper radio-science will yield the most accurate estimation to date of the Galilean moons’ physical parameters and ephemerides. JUICE's PRIDE (Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment) will help achieve such a solution by prov ...
Thermosphere mass density and crosswind can be derived from accelerometer and GNSS tracking data. However, present datasets are often provided without comprehensive uncertainty specifications. We present a newly developed method that propagates measurement noise and errors in the ...
The problem of how to solar sail around planets remains nearly unexplored. Most of the existing body of knowledge focuses on scape trajectories or locally optimal controls, not providing much insight into the inherent physical characteristics of the transfer problem. In this work ...
This manuscript aims to present and evaluate the applicability of combining optical line-of-sight (LoS) navigation with crosslink radiometric navigation for deep-space cruising distributed space systems. To do so, a set of four distributed space systems architectures is presented ...
Solar sailing is a propellantless propulsion method that exploits solar radiation pressure to generate thrust. In recent years, several solar sails have been launched into Earth-bound orbit to demonstrate this technology’s potential. Because planetary radiation pressure can reach ...
We present new neutral mass density and crosswind observations for the CHAMP, GRACE, and GRACE-FO missions, filling the last gaps in our database of accelerometer-derived thermosphere observations. For consistency, we processed the data over the entire lifetime of these missions, ...

Daedalus MASE (mission assessment through simulation exercise)

A toolset for analysis of in situ missions and for processing global circulation model outputs in the lower thermosphere-ionosphere

Daedalus MASE (Mission Assessment through Simulation Exercise) is an open-source package of scientific analysis tools aimed at research in the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere (LTI). It was created with the purpose to assess the performance and demonstrate closure of the mission obj ...
In this paper we review the precision orbit determination (POD) performance of the CryoSat-2 mission where we used all tracking data between June-2010 and Jan-2023; with station and beacon coordinates provided in the ITRF2020 reference system, we use a mean gravity model, and we ...
This paper aims to investigate the capabilities of exploiting optical line-of-sight navigation using star trackers. First, a synthetic image simulator is developed to generate realistic images, which is later exploited to test the star tracker's performance. Then, generic conside ...
Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) is a multi-purpose experimental technique aimed at enhancing the science return of planetary missions. The technique exploits the science payload and spacecraft service systems without requiring a dedicated onboard ins ...
Autonomous Line-of-Sight navigation represents an appealing technique that can be exploited by deep-space spacecraft, particularly miniaturized, to estimate the state during cruising. It is based on the observation of visible bodies' directions, processed onboard to estimate the ...
ESA’s Earth explorer mission CryoSat-2 has an ice-monitoring objective, but it has proven to also be a valuable source of observations for measuring impacts of climate change over oceans. In this paper, we report on our long-term ocean data analysis and validation and give our fi ...
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is one of eight faculties at Delft University of Technology. It is one of the most comprehensive academic and innovation communities worldwide focusing on aerospace engineering. Its 120 professors and 70 researchers are mentoring and teaching ...
Solar sailing is a propellantless propulsion method that takes advantage of solar radiation pressure to generate thrust. The last decades have seen the launch of several solar-sail missions to demonstrate the technology’s potential for space exploration and exploitation. Even mor ...