D. Dirkx
59 records found
In 2031 the JUICE spacecraft will perform a multi-flyby tour of the Jovian system. Next to the radiometric tracking that is performed for navigation operations, the dedicated radio science instrument (3GM) collects high-accuracy radiometric measurements during the flybys. We inve
The accurate measurement of inter-satellite distances is fundamental to the successful operation of distributed spacecraft missions, facilitating diverse applications ranging from scientific exploration to navigation and communication. This study comprehensively overviews applica
Aims. We investigate whether volcanic exomoons can be detected in thermal wavelength light curves due to their phase variability along their orbit. The method we use is based on the photometric signal variability that volcanic features or hotspots would cause in infrared (IR) wav
We present an overview of the operations and engineering interface for Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) radio astronomy observations as a scientific component of the ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission, as well as other prospective planet
The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) of ESA was launched on 14 April 2023 and will arrive at Jupiter and its moons in July 2031. In this review article, we describe how JUICE will investigate the interior of the three icy Galilean moons, Ganymede, Callisto and Europa, during it
China will launch the “Tianwen-IV” mission around 2030, focusing on the orbiting exploration of Jupiter and Callisto, a moon of Jupiter. As part of this ambitious mission, a main satellite will carry another satellite that will be released in the Jupiter system to continue its jo
In the coming decade, JUICE and Europa Clipper radio-science will yield the most accurate estimation to date of the Galilean moons’ physical parameters and ephemerides. JUICE's PRIDE (Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment) will help achieve such a solution by prov
The need for higher data rates has transitioned the satellites towards laser communication, opening up new opportunities for inter-satellite distance measurements. The stringent requirements for space missions like gravimetry, formation flying, collision avoidance, and precise or
Context. The upcoming JUICE and Europa Clipper missions targeting Jupiter s Galilean satellites will provide radio science tracking measurements of both spacecraft. Such data are expected to significantly help estimating the moons ephemerides and related dynamical parameters (e.g
Tidally heated exomoons around Ïμ Eridani b
Observability and prospects for characterization
Context. Exomoons are expected to orbit gas giant exoplanets just as moons orbit Solar System planets. Tidal heating is present in Solar System satellites, and it can heat up their interior, depending on their orbital and interior properties. Aims. We aim to identify a tidally he
The aim of this paper is to present the concept of a dedicated gravity field mission for the planet Mars, the Mars Quantum Gravity Mission (MaQuIs). The mission is targeted at improving the data on the gravitational field of Mars, enabling studies on planetary dynamics, seasonal
We investigate the impact of viscoelastic tidal deformation of the Moon on the motion of a polar orbiter. The dissipative effects in the Moon’s interior, i.e., tidal phase lags, are modeled as Fourier series sampled at given frequencies associated with linear combinations of Dela
Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) is a multi-purpose experimental technique aimed at enhancing the science return of planetary missions. The technique exploits the science payload and spacecraft service systems without requiring a dedicated onboard ins
Context. Stellar occultations currently provide the most accurate ground-based measurements of the positions of natural satellites (down to a few kilometres for the Galilean moons). However, when using these observations in the calculation of satellite ephemerides, the uncertaint
Cold Atom Interferometry for Enhancing the Radio Science Gravity Experiment
A Phobos Case Study
Interplanetary missions have typically relied on Radio Science (RS) to recover gravity fields by detecting their signatures on the spacecraft trajectory. The weak gravitational fields of small bodies, coupled with the prominent influence of confounding accelerations, hinder the e
When reconstructing natural satellites' ephemerides from space missions' tracking data, the dynamics of the spacecraft and natural bodies are often solved for separately, in a decoupled manner. Alternatively, the ephemeris generation and spacecraft orbit determination can be perf
When the BepiColombo spacecraft arrives at Mercury in late 2025, it will be able to measure the orbit of the planet with unprecedented accuracy, allowing for more accurate measurements of the perihelion advance of the planet, as predicted by the Theory of General Relativity (GR).
Improvement of orbit determination using laser altimeter crossovers
JUICE mission case study
This work evaluates the added benefit of using laser altimeter measurements for orbit reconstruction. As a spacecraft orbits a celestial body, its altimetry swaths progressively cross previous swaths. These locations, known as crossover points, yield valuable information about th
Thousands of exoplanets have been discovered; however, the detection of exomoons remains elusive. Tidally heated exomoons have been proposed as candidate targets for observation; vigorous tidal dissipation can raise the moon's surface temperature, making direct imaging possible,
Analytical framework for mutual approximations
Derivation and application to Jovian satellites
Context. The apparent close encounters of two satellites in the plane of the sky, called mutual approximations, have been suggested as a different type of astrometric observation to refine the moons' ephemerides. The main observables are then the central instants of the close enc