48 records found


Next-generation planetary tracking methods, such as interplanetary laser ranging (ILR) and same-beam interferometry (SBI) promise an orders-of-magnitude increase in the accuracy of measurements of solar system dynamics. ...

The mass sources that are responsible for the longwavelength gravity field of the Earth are not yet fully understood. The biggest candidate to describe these anomalies is mantle convection, yet models that can explain the mantle convection and the gravity field are not available. ...
In the last decade, the gravity field of the Earth has been observed with increased coverage due to dedicated satellite missions, which resulted in higher resolution and more accurate global gravity field models than were previously available. These models make it possible to stu ...

Comparing gravity-based to seismic-derived lithosphere densities

A case study of the British Isles and surrounding areas

Lithospheric density structure can be constructed from seismic tomography, gravity modelling, or using both data sets. The different approaches have their own uncertainties and limitations. This study aims to characterize and quantify some of the uncertainties in gravity modellin ...

This article reviews a spectral forward gravity field modelling method that was initially designed for topographic/isostatic mass reduction of gravity data. The method transforms 3D spherical density models into gravitational potential fields using a spherical harmonic represe ...

In November 1934, Den Helder, The Netherlands, the start of a remarkable voyage commenced. The Hr. Ms.K-XVIII, a Dutch submarine, was about to set sail to Soerabaya, Indonesia. Onboard was a Dutch professor, Felix Andries Vening Meinesz. He was able to measure the Earth’s gravity ...


Large Low Shear-Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) in Earth have been recognized in seismic data for several decades. The anomalies are however still poorly understood for reasons including their inconvenient location in the deep mantle, inhibiting progress in our understanding. Compreh ...
CryoSat-2 is a European Space Agency (ESA) altimeter mission with an objective to study the connection between cryosphere melting and global sea level rise. The satellite carries a Doppler navigation system (DORIS) and a Satellite Laser Ranging system (SLR) to aid the precise com ...
The TU Delft Deployable Space Telescope proposes to meet increasing demand for high spatio-temporal resolution Earth observation imagery by reducing the mass, volume and launch cost of space telescopes by using segmented deployable optics. A 3DOF piston/ tip/ tilt fine positionin ...
The 26th of November 2018, NASA's InSight mission successfully landed on Mars. InSight has a seismometer on board with as main science goal to determine the current level of seismic activity and the impact rate of meteorites on Mars. To process the incoming data of InSight as fas ...
Measurements in the frequency range below 30 MHz, key to a better understanding of the origins of our universe, are one of the last unexplored areas of radio astronomy. Low frequency measurements suffer greatly from disturbance from man-made signals. Therefore, satellite missions ...

Data Processing

Architectures and Techniques Applied to CubeSat Missions

This master thesis addresses the need for a telemetry processing for Delfi Space spacecraft operations, a nano-satellite program of the Delft University of Technology. It lays the groundwork for the telemetry processing system (TPS) implementation and explores the design guidelin ...
Satellite-derived gravity models have been used in modelling of several subduction zones, but not yet for the Sumatra subduction zone. There, gravity models can shed light on the geometry and density of the plate, and whether a slab tear is present under northern Sumatra, as seis ...
As technology improves, increasingly higher resolution payload can be achieved using Cubesats for Earth observation. The diffraction limit prevents the resolution to up to a few meters for these missions and are confined to Very Low Earth Orbits (VLEO). At these altitudes, strong ...
Electric Propulsion (EP) has become one of the most efficient technologies for spacecraft propulsion. In contrast to conventional chemical propulsion, the low thrust force generated by EP thrusters can deliver a momentum transfer to the spacecraft that is up to twenty times great ...