E.J.O. Schrama

106 records found

Ice losses from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have accelerated since the 1990s, accounting for a significant increase in the global mean sea level. Here, we present a new 29-year record of ice sheet mass balance from 1992 to 2020 from the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-com ...
In this paper we review the precision orbit determination (POD) performance of the CryoSat-2 mission where we used all tracking data between June-2010 and Jan-2023; with station and beacon coordinates provided in the ITRF2020 reference system, we use a mean gravity model, and we ...
Geodynamic processes in Antarctica such as glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) and post-seismic deformation are measured by geo-detic observations such as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and satellite gravimetry. GNSS measurements have comprised both continuous measurem ...
ESA’s Earth Explorer CryoSat-2 precisely measures the changes in the thickness of marine ice floating on the polar oceans and variations in the thickness of the vast ice sheets that overlie Greenland and Antarctica. The data delivered by the CryoSat-2 mission completes the pictur ...
Regular products within the field of Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) and Space Traffic Management (STM), such as high-risk collisions, upcoming re-entries or fragmentations, rely both on the estimated state and associated uncertainty of detectable resident space objects (RS ...
Satellite gravimetry data acquired by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) allows to derive the temporal evolution in ice mass for both the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) and the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS). Various algorithms have been used in a wide range of studies to ...
The Greenland Ice Sheet has been a major contributor to global sea-level rise in recent decades 1,2, and it is expected to continue to be so 3. Although increases in glacier flow 4–6 and surface melting ...
Orbit determination of low earth orbiting satellites depends on accurate dynamic models to describe the accelerations acting on the satellite. The importance of dynamic models increases when the tracking data are not continuously available; as is the case for instance with the Cr ...

Global sea-level budget 1993–present

WCRP Global Sea Level Budget Group

Global mean sea level is an integral of changes occurring in the climate system in response to unforced climate variability as well as natural and anthropogenic forcing factors. Its temporal evolution allows changes (e.g., acceleration) to be detected in one or more components. S ...
The Antarctic Ice Sheet is an important indicator of climate change and driver of sea-level rise. Here we combine satellite observations of its changing volume, flow and gravitational attraction with modelling of its surface mass balance to show that it lost 2,720 ± 1,390 billion ...
In this paper we discuss our efforts to perform precision orbit determination (POD) of CryoSat-2 which depends on Doppler and satellite laser ranging tracking data. A dynamic orbit model is set-up and the residuals between the model and the tracking data is evaluated. The average ...
In this paper we discuss our efforts to perform precision orbit determination (POD) of CryoSat-2 which depends on Doppler and satellite laser ranging tracking data. A dynamic orbit model is set-up and the residuals between the model and the tracking data is evaluated. The average ...
The universal altimetry toolbox, BRAT (Broadview Radar Altimetry Toolbox) which can read all previous and current altimetry missions’ data, incorporates now the capability to read the upcoming Sentinel3 L1 and L2 products. ESA endeavoured to develop and supply this capability to ...
With the advent of the new reference system ITRF2014 we have modified our precision orbit determination procedures so that all CryoSat-2 trajectories are now realized in the new reference system which provides a consistent survey of DORIS and SLR station coordinates. For SLR stat ...
The universal altimetry toolbox, BRAT (Broadview Radar Altimetry Toolbox) which can read all previous and current altimetry missions’ data, incorporates now the capability to read the upcoming Sentinel3 L1 and L2 products. ESA endeavoured to develop and supply this capability to ...
In this study, we use satellite gravimetry data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) to estimate regional mass change of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) and neighboring glaciated regions using a least squares inversion approach. We also consider results from th ...
We estimate the total land water storage (LWS) change between 2003 and 2013 using a global water mass budget approach. Hereby we compare the ocean mass change (estimated from GRACE space gravimetry on the one hand, and from the satellite altimetry-based global mean sea level corr ...

Multidisciplinary Space Education in a Blended Learning Environment

The New Spaceflight Minor at Delft University of Technology

Driven by wide interest among TU Delft (Delft University of Technology) students to acquire focussed knowledge on space engineering, missions and planetary exploration, a new spaceflight minor was developed for the minor program of the university. With its minor program, TU Delft ...