Thomas Nagler
6 records found
Pine Island Glacier and Thwaites Glacier in the Amundsen Sea Embayment are among the fastest changing outlet glaciers in West Antarctica with large consequences for global sea level. Yet, assessing how much and how fast both glaciers will weaken if these changes continue remains
Statistically simulated time series of wave parameters are required for many coastal and offshore engineering applications, often at the resolution of approximately 1 h. Various studies have relied on autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) processes to simulate synthetic series of
The Antarctic Ice Sheet is an important indicator of climate change and driver of sea-level rise. Here we combine satellite observations of its changing volume, flow and gravitational attraction with modelling of its surface mass balance to show that it lost 2,720 ± 1,390 billion
Stochastic Simulation of Test Collections
Evaluation Scores
Part of Information Retrieval evaluation research is limited by the fact that we do not know the distributions of system effectiveness over the populations of topics and, by extension, their true mean scores. The workaround usually consists in resampling topics from an existing c
A single-pass interferometric SEntinel-1 companion SAR mission for monitoring GEO- and biosphere dynamics
SESAME (SEntinel-1 SAR companion Multistatic Explorer) is a passive SAR satellite mission proposed for the ESA Earth Explorer Program. SESAME comprises two receive-only C-band SAR satellites flying in close formation to build a single-pass SAR interferometer (SP-InSAR) using the
SAR for ICE, glacier and global dynamics
SIGNAL is an innovative earth exploration mission proposal with the main objective to estimate accurately and repeatedly topography and topographic changes associated with mass change or other dynamic effects on glaciers, ice caps and polar ice sheets. Elevation measurements are