Mariantonietta Zonno
14 records found
Observations of wind and ocean surface velocity vectors by along-track interferometry (ATI) with the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are not only important for direct applications but also to increase understandings of ocean upper layer mixing, air-ocean interactions, and mapping
This paper addresses the performance in the retrieval of 3-D mean deformation maps by exploiting simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous squinted synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometric acquisitions in a repeat-pass scenario. In multisatellite or multibeam low earth observation
The contribution focuses on the technical aspects related to the focusing and interferometric processing of bistatic data acquired by companion satellite (CS) SAR missions. In particular, the processing aspects related to the large along-track baseline configuration will be addre
Companion SAR constellations for single-pass interferometric applications
The SESAME mission
This paper provides a compact overview of SESAME, a mission concept in which two receive-only small Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites flying in close formation would allow single-pass interferometric observations using Sentinel-1 as transmitter.@en
A fractionated space radar for bistatic, multistatic and high-resolution wide-swath SAR imaging
This paper introduces the concept of a fractionated MirrorSAR which is based on a set of mutually separated transmitter and receiver satellites. As opposed to previously published bi- and multistatic SAR systems, the receiver satellites are considerably simplified, as their main
A single-pass interferometric SEntinel-1 companion SAR mission for monitoring GEO- and biosphere dynamics
SESAME (SEntinel-1 SAR companion Multistatic Explorer) is a passive SAR satellite mission proposed for the ESA Earth Explorer Program. SESAME comprises two receive-only C-band SAR satellites flying in close formation to build a single-pass SAR interferometer (SP-InSAR) using the
Companion SAR missions offer a cost-effective solution to enhance the added value of existing SAR satellites. In particular, they offer new possibilities to extend the observation space and provide one or several single-pass interferometric channels for the acquisitions. The pape
Main results of the phase a feasibility study
Tandem-L is a highly innovative SAR satellite mission for the global observation of dynamic processes on the Earth's surface with hitherto unknown quality and resolution. Thanks to its novel imaging techniques and its unprecedented acquisition capacity, Tandem-L will deliver urge
Oil spills in sea water represent one of the most conspicuous forms of damage to the marine environment. They can be detected in SAR images by the exploitation of the normalized cross section (NRCS) and the co-polarization ratio (PR) and by the use of a combined detector. In this
The capabilities of the current concept for a post-Sentinel-1 High ResolutionWide Swath (HRWS)C-band SAR system as discussed. Product-level performance analysis are given for two example applications (large scale deformation and ship detection), showing the clear improvement with
Ambiguities are one of the limiting factors of SAR product quality and are thus important subject to every mission performance analysis. Since target NRCS is highly heterogeneous, the resulting ambiguities affect different areas at very different levels. Therefore using global av
With three coherent synthetic aperture radar images, it is possible to form three interferograms. In some cases, the phases of the three averaged interferograms will be significantly inconsistent and indicate a sort of phase excess or deficit (which we call lack of triangularity
If three SAR images are available, it is possible to form three interferograms. In some cases the phases of the three averaged interferograms will not agree among each other and indicate a sort of phase excess or deficit (which we call "lack of triangularity"). In this paper we i