Francesco De Zan
44 records found
A SAR mission concept for sub-daily microwave remote sensing of vegetation
This paper presents an overview of the Sub-daily Land Atmosphere INTEractions (SLAINTE) mission. SLAINTE comprises a constellation of identical synthetic aperture radars (SAR) with interferometric capability. It aims to bridge a critical observation gap, by providing sub-daily, ≤
This paper introduces a SAR mission concept uniquely designed for sub-daily interferometric-compatible revisits, essential for the timely monitoring of ecosystem water status in regions of significant scientific, ecological, societal, and economic value. The key concept is based
A recent publication claims that closure phases in SAR interferometry bear no relationship to physical changes of the scatterer, but only to the statistical properties of the averaged pixels. We disprove this claim with a simple counterexample and remind the reader of cases in wh
This paper addresses the performance in the retrieval of 3-D mean deformation maps by exploiting simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous squinted synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometric acquisitions in a repeat-pass scenario. In multisatellite or multibeam low earth observation
This paper presents a methodology to design a spaceborne dual-beam along-track synthetic aperture radar interferometer to retrieve ocean surface velocity vectors. All related aspects and necessary tradeoffs are identified and discussed or reviewed, respectively. This includes a r
This paper presents the correlating synthetic aperture radar (CoSAR) technique, a novel radar imaging concept to observe statistical properties of fast decorrelating surfaces. A CoSAR system consists of two radars with a relative motion in the along-track (cross-range) dimension.
Main results of the phase a feasibility study
Tandem-L is a highly innovative SAR satellite mission for the global observation of dynamic processes on the Earth's surface with hitherto unknown quality and resolution. Thanks to its novel imaging techniques and its unprecedented acquisition capacity, Tandem-L will deliver urge
Correlating SAR (CoSAR) has been recently proposed as a geosynchronous remote sensing mission capable of delivering continental coverage of ocean surfaces with a high repeat cycle. The main specific measurements provided by CoSAR are estimates of the normalised radar cross sectio
Geometrical analysis and image formation assessment
Correlating SAR (CoSAR) is an innovative remote sensing concept which delivers large-scale coverage of ocean surfaces with a high repeat cycle. The main specific measurements provided by CoSAR are estimates of the normalised radar cross section (NRCS), Doppler shifts, and surface
The orbit for Earth observation satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) missions is maintained within an Earth-fixed orbital tube to ensure ground-track coverage repeatability and, consequently, to enable repeat-pass interferometric compatibility between data takes. In this lett
With three coherent synthetic aperture radar images, it is possible to form three interferograms. In some cases, the phases of the three averaged interferograms will be significantly inconsistent and indicate a sort of phase excess or deficit (which we call lack of triangularity
This paper presents a spaceborne SAR mission concept in Ku-band for the measurement of the two-dimensional ocean surface current. The measurement concept is based on dual-beam along-track interferometry, which requires two highly squinted antennas each looking simultaneously in f
This contribution presents two experiments performed with the TerraSAR-X (TSX) and TanDEM-X (TDX) satellites working in the pursuit monostatic configuration. Their objective is to estimate the along-track component of the motion in the scene in repeat-pass scenarios with an accur
There is a need for scattering models that link quantitatively synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometric observables to soil moisture. In this paper, we propose a model based on plane waves and the Born approximation, deriving first the vertical complex wavenumbers in the so
This paper discusses a novel radar imaging concept called a Correlating SAR (CoSAR) and its application to the observation of the second order statistics of the radar echoes corresponding to the ocean surface. It is shown that these statistics can be retrieved by jointly processi
This paper discusses observations of the ocean surface using a combination of along-track SAR interferometry and the recently proposed Bidirectional SAR acquisition mode. The paper discusses the expected performance, and shows first experimental results with TanDEM-X acquisitions
Science requirements and mission concept
In this paper the science requirements for the mapping of dynamic processes on the Earth surfaces is presented. From the science requirements and the need of a regular and continuous global surface cover for most of the applications a dedicated mission concept has been developed.
It has often been claimed that spaceborne single-pass cross-track SAR interferometry is - up to an overall range shift - not affected by atmospheric effects. A closer analysis reveals, however, that both the troposphere and the ionosphere may cause notable phase, range and height
This letter addresses the efficient evaluation of Fourier-based kernels for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation. The goal is to evaluate the quality of the focused impulse response function and the residual phase errors of the kernel without having to implement the pro
If three SAR images are available, it is possible to form three interferograms. In some cases the phases of the three averaged interferograms will not agree among each other and indicate a sort of phase excess or deficit (which we call "lack of triangularity"). In this paper we i