Gerhard Krieger
56 records found
System Concepts and Analysis
Existing microwave remote sensing instruments used for Earth observation face a clear tradeoff between spatial resolution and revisit times at global scales. The typical imaging capabilities of current systems range from daily observations at kilometer-scale resolutions provided
Future spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems are expected to deliver enormous quantity of data. Accordingly, the observation plan becomes crucial for a proper allocation of the mission resources. A central challenge is to reduce the number of acquisitions by making th
A fractionated space radar for bistatic, multistatic and high-resolution wide-swath SAR imaging
This paper introduces the concept of a fractionated MirrorSAR which is based on a set of mutually separated transmitter and receiver satellites. As opposed to previously published bi- and multistatic SAR systems, the receiver satellites are considerably simplified, as their main
A single-pass interferometric SEntinel-1 companion SAR mission for monitoring GEO- and biosphere dynamics
SESAME (SEntinel-1 SAR companion Multistatic Explorer) is a passive SAR satellite mission proposed for the ESA Earth Explorer Program. SESAME comprises two receive-only C-band SAR satellites flying in close formation to build a single-pass SAR interferometer (SP-InSAR) using the
This paper presents the correlating synthetic aperture radar (CoSAR) technique, a novel radar imaging concept to observe statistical properties of fast decorrelating surfaces. A CoSAR system consists of two radars with a relative motion in the along-track (cross-range) dimension.
Main results of the phase a feasibility study
Tandem-L is a highly innovative SAR satellite mission for the global observation of dynamic processes on the Earth's surface with hitherto unknown quality and resolution. Thanks to its novel imaging techniques and its unprecedented acquisition capacity, Tandem-L will deliver urge
SAR instruments with multiple transmit/receive channels allow for a variety of operation modes. The trade-space includes the instrument and antenna parameters designed to enable various operation modes. These are utilized to achieve a required SAR performance derived from the mis
Correlating SAR (CoSAR) has been recently proposed as a geosynchronous remote sensing mission capable of delivering continental coverage of ocean surfaces with a high repeat cycle. The main specific measurements provided by CoSAR are estimates of the normalised radar cross sectio
This paper proposes the wrapped staring spotlight (WSS) SAR imaging mode, which is a new method to extend the azimuth steering capability for phased array SAR to achieve either an improved azimuth geometric or radiometric resolution. It investigates the utility of steering direct
This paper reviews advanced SAR system architectures and modes for high-resolution ultra-wide-swath SAR imaging. The comparison includes both direct radiating array antennas and reflector-based system configurations operating in either a single-Transmit multiple-receive (SIMO) or
SAR instruments with multiple transmit/receive channels allow for a variety of operation modes. The trade-space includes the instrument and antenna parameters designed to enable various techniques (operation modes). These are utilized to achieve a required SAR performance derived
Geometrical analysis and image formation assessment
Correlating SAR (CoSAR) is an innovative remote sensing concept which delivers large-scale coverage of ocean surfaces with a high repeat cycle. The main specific measurements provided by CoSAR are estimates of the normalised radar cross section (NRCS), Doppler shifts, and surface
The paper proposes wrapped staring spotlight SAR, a method to extend the azimuth steering capability for phased array SAR systems. Based on two TerraSAR-X (TSX) wrapped staring spotlight example acquisitions, the image performance of point and extended and targets is discussed. I
This paper discusses various aspects of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) missions in Medium Earth Orbits (MEO). It covers the design of suitable orbits and their corresponding coverage, with emphasis on repeat ones. Furthermore, it analyses the changes in SAR performance as altitud
The paper reports about a basic analysis of a distributed SAR system realized by several small satellites. The potential for Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) reduction and the corresponding swath width extension is discussed. It is derived how to maintain a gap-free phase center
One of the most ubiquitous, yet treacherous relations in radar is the equation describing the ratio of signal-to-noise powers, known as the radar equation. It is straight forward to derivation the radar equation for a point scatterer, as commonly done on an undergraduate courses
SAOCOM-CS denotes a satellite formation based on SAOCOM, Argentina's L-band SAR satellite, and a small passive companion satellite (CS) of the European Space Agency (ESA). The realization of this mission is currently under evaluation by ESA. A possible acquisition geometry of par
A highly innovative SAR mission for global observation of dynamic processes on the earth's surface
ALOS-Next/Tandem-L is a proposal for a highly innovative L-band SAR satellite mission for the global observation of dynamic processes on the Earth's surface with hitherto unparalleled quality and resolution. It is based on a collaboration between DLR and JAXA which started with a
The signal-to-noise ratio of a radar system is described through the well-known radar equation, which can be adapted to apply to imaging Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Extension to multi-channel SAR systems utilizing digital beam-forming turns out to be treacherous; the pivotal
A method to generate several phase centres on a single parabolic reflector antenna fed by a digital beamforming array is presented. Among other applications, along-track SAR interferometry at higher frequencies, as for example, in the Ka-band, is considered. Flexibility in size,