Thomas Börner

5 records found

Ambiguities are one of the limiting factors of SAR product quality and are thus important subject to every mission performance analysis. Since target NRCS is highly heterogeneous, the resulting ambiguities affect different areas at very different levels. Therefore using global av ...
This paper provides an overview of the BIOMASS Mission End-to-End simulator (BEES) and of the mission performance analysis performed with it. The end-to-end performance, in terms of biomass estimates error, is close to the 20% error goal set for the mission. The main sources of e ...
In this paper a baseline (height) self-calibration concept is introduced and applied to simulations of two different single-pass interferometric SAR systems with a single-swath and a dual-swath configuration. The results will show that the general performance is very promising an ...
This paper discusses the implementation of an end-to-end simulator for the BIOMASS mission. An overview of the system architecture is provided along with a functional description of the modules that comprise the simulator.@en


SAR for ICE, glacier and global dynamics

SIGNAL is an innovative earth exploration mission proposal with the main objective to estimate accurately and repeatedly topography and topographic changes associated with mass change or other dynamic effects on glaciers, ice caps and polar ice sheets. Elevation measurements are ...