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C.J.M. Verhoeven

136 records found

Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) and evolution strategies (ESs) have surpassed human-level control in many sequential decision-making problems, yet many open challenges still exist. To get insights into the strengths and weaknesses of DRL versus ESs, an analysis of their respect ...
We are developing content and software to automate the homologation for our Electronics courses to deal with the increasing diversity in knowledge and skills of the master students who have completed their bachelor’s at other universities. The courses’ content has been structured ...
In the last decades, there has been a steady adoption of digital online platforms as learning environments applied to all levels of education. This increasing adoption forces a transition in educational resources which has further been accelerated by the recent pandemic, leading ...


Energy and Spectral Efficient Transmitter architectures for small satellites

As the complexity of nanosatellite missions have increased over time, the data generated on-board nanosatellites have increased multiple folds. As a result, there is a need to downlink large amounts of data. Multiple nanosatellite missions have started using spectral efficient mo ...
The past two decades have witnessed a renewed interest in low frequency radio astronomy, with a particular focus on frequencies above 30 MHz e.g., LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) in the Netherlands and its European extension ILT, the International LOFAR Telescope. However, at frequen ...
This paper discusses some of the solutions to the issue of data congestion in Nano-satellite missions. The complexity of Nano-satellite missions has increased over the years, generating more data than ever and this paradigm shift has in-turn resulted in the need for larger downli ...
The inter-satellite link (ISL) in swarm and constellation missions is a key enabler in the autonomy of the mission. OLFAR (Orbiting Low Frequency Array for Radio astronomy) is one such mission where 10 to 50+ nanosatellites are placed in the Lunar orbit and perform astronomical o ...
The frequency range below 30 MHz remains one of the last unexplored frequency ranges in radio astronomy However, Earth-based observations at these wavelengths are severely impeded, due to man-made radio frequency interference (RFI) and atmospheric opacity. To overcome this impedi ...
This paper presents a software-defined testbed to perform hardware-in-The-loop test of miniaturized coherent transponders. Such a setup has been designed to minimize the access threshold for future users, heavily relying on available open source applications and commercial hardwa ...
Deep space missions are exposed to a broad range of temperatures and extremely high doses of radiation when compared to Earth bound space missions. Although standard passive and active strategies have been developed to protect spacecraft subsystems from fatal levels of radiation ...
A distributed space system (DSS) is an architecture with more than one spacecraft to achieve a common objective. A number of questions arise with respect to the characteristics and dynamics of distributed system in space. How fast is the system spreading? How are the elements wit ...
Nano-satellite IoT/M2M missions are gaining popularity in recent time. Various companies have launched their pilot missions last year in 2018 and all these companies intend to place a constellation in (V)LEO that can communicate with low power sensors on the ground (sometimes r ...

New directions

SWANS – Sensor wireless actuator network in space

Progress in low power miniaturized electronics and wireless technologies have enabled many innovative applications. Of particular interest is the Internet of Things (IoT) that has dominated the world of ICT in the last half a decade enabling many smart systems and applications. A ...
This paper presents a new feedback model that focuses on the synthesis rather than the analysis of feedback amplifiers. First, a single-loop synthesis-oriented feedback model is developed that enables the full synthesis of such amplifiers in a hierarchical and systematicway. This ...
This paper proposes a novel phase synchronization technique that enables beamforming with multiple resource-limited spacecraft in space and capitalizes on their spatial geometry. The proposed technique employs an external beacon to obviate the need for explicit time synchronizati ...

Multidisciplinary Space Education in a Blended Learning Environment

The New Spaceflight Minor at Delft University of Technology

Driven by wide interest among TU Delft (Delft University of Technology) students to acquire focussed knowledge on space engineering, missions and planetary exploration, a new spaceflight minor was developed for the minor program of the university. With its minor program, TU Delft ...
The effect of second-order intermodulation (IM2) distortion produced by out-of-band, high-frequency interference on baseband/IF amplifiers is analyzed using the Volterra series. It is shown that a compensation loop designed to trap nonlinear currents improves the immunity of diff ...