R.F. Hanssen
353 records found
In gebieden met een slappe veen- en/of kleigrond, die op grote schaal voorkomen in West- en Noord-Nederland, leiden verschillende bodemprocessen tot seizoensgebonden verticale bodembeweging en lange-termijn bodemdaling. Het bepalen hiervan is belangrijk om (1) in kaart te brengen
SARXarray and STMtools
Open-Source Python Libraries for InSAR Data Processing and Analysis
We introduce SARXarray and STMtools, two python libraries designed to support the exploitation of modern Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data by enabling handling of larger-than memory datasets and the incorporation and fusion with relevant contextual information
We present the preliminary results of an InSAR analysis of peatland surface motion covering a large spatial and temporal extent. This work is the first large scale analysis of the Dutch Green Heart region, and is made possible using a novel distributed scatter (DS) InSAR processi
Estimating three-dimensional displacements with InSAR
The strapdown approach
Deformation phenomena on Earth are inherently three dimensional. With SAR interferometry (InSAR), in many practical situations the maximum number of observations is two (ascending and descending), resulting in an infinite number of possible displacement estimates. Here we propose
InSAR enables the estimation of spatio-temporal displacements, relative to a reference point and a reference epoch, here defined as the mother image. When dealing with time series, there are several options to treat the mother image in computing and plotting the temporal phase di
La plupart des méthodes exploitant les séries temporelles InSAR (interférométrie radar) présentent des caractéristiques similaires qui permettent de les classer en deux catégories de techniques. La première catégorie de techniques est basée sur des réflecteurs distribués (DS) pou
The repeat period of SAR data and its side-looking characteristics make InSAR time series analysis useful for water level monitoring applications. The standard approach determines corresponding scatterers by focusing the study area on the multipath radar reflections that include
Due to its sensitivity to water vapor, high resolution, and global availability, interferometric satellite radar (InSAR) has a large but unexploited potential for the improvement of regional NWP models. A relatively straightforward approach is to exploit the exact instantaneous c
The growing availability of SAR data offers a real-time deformation monitoring opportunity, but data utilization can be inefficient. Our study introduces a mathematical framework using recursive least-squares and the wrapped phase, allowing efficient updates when new data arrives
Analyzing coastal erosion and sedimentation using Sentinel-1 SAR change detection
An application on the Volta Delta, Ghana
Ghana's coastline has been facing erosion and sedimentation phenomena for several decades, resulting in a serious threat to life and property considering that major urban settlements are located on the coast. In this region, there has been a lack of emphasis on comprehensive, lar
The estimation of displacement vectors for (objects on) the Earth's surface using satellite InSAR requires geometric transformations of the observables based on orbital viewing geometries. Usually, there are insufficient viewing geometries available for full 3-D reconstruction, l
The observed phase in time series of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) products is a superposition of various components. Differential topography, line-of-sight displacements, and differential atmospheric delays are the main contributions and need to be disentangle
In the view of climate change, understanding and managing effects on coastal areas and adjacent cities is essential. Permanent Laser Scanning (PLS) is a successful technique to not only observe notably sandy coasts incidentally or once every year, but (nearly) continuously over e
InSAR enables the estimation of displacements of (objects on) the earth's surface. To provide reliable estimates, both a stochastic and mathematical model are required. However, the intrinsic problem of InSAR is that both are unknown. Here we derive the Variance-Covariance Matrix
We introduce the term loss-of-lock to describe a specific form of coherence loss that results in the breakage of a synthetic aperture radar interferometric (InSAR) time series. Loss-of-lock creates a specific pattern in the coherence matrix of a multilooked distributed scatterer
A new empirical model for soft soil surface displacement based on meteorological input data
We present SPAMS: Simple Parameterization for the Motion of Soils, a model to describe the motion of deformable soils in the Vadose zone, mainly peat and clay, herein called shallow soft soils. The SPAMS model estimates the reversible and irreversible vertical component of surfac
城市场景时序 InSAR 形变解译
Multi-epoch interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is a highly effective technique for monitoring deformation in urban areas. However, interpreting InSAR deformation can be challenging due to various factors, including inherent geometric imaging distortion, the intricat
Landslides are a major geohazard in hilly and mountainous environments. In-situ inspection of downslope motion is costly, sometimes dangerous and, requires prior knowledge of the existence of a landslide. Remote sensing from space is a way to detect and characterize landslides sy
Atmospheric delay has a profound impact on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry, inducing a spatial signal that significantly devaluates interferometric products. While the wide-scale variability of the atmosphere can be adequately modeled with global or regional weather