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120 records found


At Delft University of Technology (DUT) a software suite has been developed for Continuously Operating GPS/GLONASS Reference Stations. The most important features of this software suite are a real-time GPS receiver interface, real-time integrity monitoring and communication wi ...

The Receiver Independent Exchange (RINEX) format can be considered as the de facto standard for storing and exchanging GPS and GLONASS data. It is, however, not suited for real-time applications and applications that require a high sample rate, due to its ASCII format. In this pa ...
A major issue in many applications of GPS is the real-time estimation of the Zenith Tropospheric Delays (ZTD). Several authors have developed strategies that estimate ZTD, with a latency of one hour or more in order to compute Integrated Water Vapor (IWV), using local measurement ...
In the Netherlands, GPS is used to monitor subsidence caused by extraction of natural gas. GPS campaigns are organized on a yearly, basis. Each campaign consists of GPS observations 30 to 60 points, using typically 5 dual frequency GPS receivers. The duration of a session is betw ...
In this article, initial results are presented of a method to improve fast carrier phase ambiguity resolution over longer baselines (with lengths up to about 200 km). The ionospheric delays in the global positioning system (GPS) data of these long baselines mainly hamper successf ...

The principal observational characteristics of the Hipparcos Catalogue, and a summary of its main astrometric and photometric properties, are presented. Median astrometric standard errors (in position, parallax, and annual proper motion) are in the range 0.7-0.9 milliarcsec (m ...

The DGPS technique can considerably improve the accuracy of stand-alone GPS positioning, but the improvement depends on the distance between the user and the reference station (spatial correlation), the latency of differential corrections (temporal correlation), and the quality o ...
The Hipparcos satellite, to be launched in 1988, will establish a very precise and dense stellar catalogue. The possible applications and merits of this catalogue, and the contribution of geodesites to the data reduction, are discussed.@en