R.H.C. Reudink
6 records found
This book provides an introduction, at academic level, into the field of surveying and mapping. The book has been compiled based on hand-outs and readers written for the third-year course Surveying and Mapping, in the bachelor program Civil Engineering at Delft University of Tech
The regional key comparison of absolute gravimeters, EURAMET.M.G-K3 and the simultaneously organized additional comparison, was held in Germany at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell of the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy in the spring of 2018.
Here we pr ...
Here we pr ...
The backbone of the Amsterdam Ordnance Datum (NAP) is a network of about 400 primary subsurface markers. Relative movements between the primary subsurface markers are measured with spirit levelling once in 10-20 years. However, little is known about absolute vertical movements of
In 2014 a team of researchers from five European universities reported on a high tilt susceptibility of the Scintrex CG-5 Autograv land gravity meter. In a series of experiments they demonstrated that the instrument provides incorrect readings after being tilted by angles of at l