R. Klees
174 records found
The Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) is at present the largest single contributor to global-mass-induced sea-level rise, primarily because of Arctic amplification on an increasingly warmer Earth1–5. However, the processes of englacial water accumulation, storage and ultimate
This paper investigates the full variance–covariance (VC) matrix of two high-resolution regional quasi-geoid models, utilizing a spherical radial basis function parameterization. Model parameters were estimated using weighted least-squares techniques and variance component estima
The main objective of this study is to develop and analyze an empirical noise model for model-derived coastal summer mean water levels (SMWLs) and use that to obtain a more realistic quality impact of combining hydrodynamic leveling and Unified European Leveling Network (UELN) da
Both empirical and assimilative global ocean tidal models are significantly more accurate in the deep ocean than in shelf and coastal waters. In this study, we answered whether this is due to the quality of the models used to reduce tide and surge or the general approach to treat
We present exact, closed-form expressions for the complete RTM correction and the harmonic correction to disturbing potential, gravity disturbance, gravity anomaly, and height anomaly. They need to be applied in quasi-geoid modelling whenever data points are buried inside the mas
All realizations of the European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) computed so far are solely based on geopotential differences obtained by spirit leveling/gravimetry. As such, there are no direct connections between height benchmarks separated by large water bodies. In this study
Satellite observations can help in the retrieval of constituents in
shallow waters. Noise contamination, however, makes smaller constituents
irretrievable and large sources of error. Throughout shallow areas, the
constituent’s relevancy changes. For example, near an amphidromi
In this study, we compare six commonly used methods for the downward continuation of airborne gravity data. We consider exact and noisy simulated data on grids and along flight trajectories and real data from the GRAV-D airborne campaign. We use simulated and real surface gravity
In this paper, we derive improved expressions for the harmonic correction to gravity and, for the first time, expressions for the harmonic correction to potential and height anomaly. They need to be applied at stations buried inside the masses to transform internal values into ha
Mascon products derived from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment satellite gravimetry data are widely used to study the Greenland ice sheet mass balance. However, the products released by different research groups—JPL, CSR, and GSFC—show noticeable discrepancies. To understan
Tropical Biogeomorphic Seagrass Landscapes for Coastal Protection
Persistence and Wave Attenuation During Major Storms Events
The intensity of major storm events generated within the Atlantic Basin is projected to rise with the warming of the oceans, which is likely to exacerbate coastal erosion. Nature-based flood defence has been proposed as a sustainable and effective solution to protect coastlines.
Joint effects of the dynamic sea-level rise projected changes in the large-scale atmosphere/ocean circulation, and wave climate on hurricane-induced extreme water levels in the Caribbean region are assessed. We use the 2D-depth integrated ADCIRC + SWAN wave-ocean model, baroclini
The first objective of this paper is to assess by means of geodetic network analyses the impact of adding model-based hydrodynamic leveling data to the Unified European Leveling Network (UELN) data on the precision and reliability of the European Vertical Reference Frame (EVRF).
The sound speed provides insight in ocean properties, as it depends on depth, temperature and salinity. Here, we propose a method to invert sound speed profiles (SSPs) from multibeam echosounder (MBES) measurements, providing a SSP for every ping. Using erroneous SSPs results in
Sea-level rise poses severe threats to coastal and low-lying regions around the world, by exacerbating coastal erosion and flooding. Adequate sea-level projections over the next decades are important for both decision making and for the development of successful adaptation strate
The backbone of the Amsterdam Ordnance Datum (NAP) is a network of about 400 primary subsurface markers. Relative movements between the primary subsurface markers are measured with spirit levelling once in 10-20 years. However, little is known about absolute vertical movements of
The mesoscale variability in the Caribbean Sea is dominated by anticyclonic eddies that are formed in the eastern part of the basin. These anticyclones intensify on their path westward while they pass the coastal upwelling region along the Venezuelan and Colombian coast. In this
In 2014 a team of researchers from five European universities reported on a high tilt susceptibility of the Scintrex CG-5 Autograv land gravity meter. In a series of experiments they demonstrated that the instrument provides incorrect readings after being tilted by angles of at l
Global oceanic pH is lowering, which is causing great concern for the natural functioning of marine ecosystems. Current pH predictions are based on open ocean models; however, coastal zones are dynamic systems with seawater pH fluctuating temporally and spatially. To understand h
We present a local quasi-geoid (QG) model which combines a satellite-only global gravity model with local data sets using weighted least squares. The QG is computed for an area comprising the Netherlands, Belgium, and the southern North Sea. It uses a two-scale spherical radial b