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P.M.J. Herman

57 records found

Storm surge barriers and closure dams influence estuarine morphology. Minimizing consequential ecological impacts requires a thorough understanding of the morphological adaptation mechanisms and associated time scales. Both are unraveled using three decades of morphological measu ...
All around the world, deltas are among the most densely populated and heavily utilised regions, where crucial functions, such as freshwater availability and safety against flooding, strongly relate to the natural dynamics of the system. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the ...
Human-induced land subsidence causes many coastal areas to sink centimetres per year, exacerbating relative sea level rise (RSLR). While cities combat this problem through investment in coastal infrastructure, rural areas are highly dependent on the persistence of protective coas ...
Sand nourishment is a widespread management strategy to protect sandy coasts against erosion. Nourishments can impact the benthic fauna directly by burial and indirectly by changing environmental conditions such as bottom shear stress and/or sediment composition (grain size distr ...
Coastal defences such as dikes are increasingly pressured by climate change. Increasing storm surge, extreme rainfall and periods of draught requires evermore strengthening of dikes to maintain flood risk standards. Conventional dike strengthening (i.e., heightening and/or wideni ...

Climate change mitigation by coral reefs and seagrass beds at risk

How global change compromises coastal ecosystem services

Seagrass meadows provide valuable ecosystem services of coastal protection and chemical habitat formation that could help mitigate the impact of sea level rise and ocean acidification. However, the intensification of hydrodynamic forces caused by sea level rise, in addition to ha ...

Sensitivity of salt intrusion to estuary-scale changes

A systematic modelling study towards nature-based mitigation measures

Estuaries are among the most densely populated and heavily utilised regions in the world, where crucial functions – e.g., freshwater availability and water safety – strongly relate to the natural dynamics of the system. When developing nature-based solutions to safeguard these es ...
In recent years, coastal management has been facing new challenges: socio-economic growth and consequent climate change impose new boundary conditions pushing coastal systems towards unseen states. For adaptation and mitigation strategies as well as risk management, the resilienc ...
Nature-based strategies, such as wave attenuation by tidal marshes, are increasingly proposed as a complement to mitigate the risks of failure of engineered flood defense structures such as levees. However, recent analysis of historic coastal storms revealed smaller dike breach d ...

Benthic synecology in a soft sediment shelf

Habitat contrasts and assembly rules of life strategies

Biological traits of benthic macroinvertebrates from a large area of the North Sea soft sediments were used to explore habitat occupancy within seascapes of contrasting hydrodynamics. The area, the Dutch sector of the North Sea, is mainly composed of 2 habitats: shallow dynamic b ...

Modeling Decadal Salt Marsh Development

Variability of the Salt Marsh Edge Under Influence of Waves and Sediment Availability

Salt marshes can contribute to coastal protection, but the magnitude of the protection depends on the width of the marsh. The cross-shore width of the marsh is to a large extent determined by the delicate balance between seaward expansion and landward retreat. The influence of th ...
Although tidal flats appear homogeneous from a distance, morphological variations are found on various spatial scales. These are driven by physical and/or biological processes. In this paper, we consider the creeks that are present on fringing tidal flats and which are orientated ...

A probabilistic framework for windows of opportunity

The role of temporal variability in critical transitions

The establishment of young organisms in harsh environments often requires a window of opportunity (WoO). That is, a short time window in which environmental conditions drop long enough below the hostile average level, giving the organism time to develop tolerance and transition i ...
Epifauna and infauna are often sampled by different types of sampling devices including grabs, and dredges, depending on various factors such as local environmental conditions, research questions and available budget. Because grabs and dredges have a different species-specific se ...
As a response to climate change and sea-level rise, new nourishment strategies for low-lying sandy coasts are developed. These interventions affect the habitat quality of coastal ecosystems for benthic communities. Unraveling the relationship between benthic fauna and their envir ...
The sediment composition of the seabed governs its mobility, hence determining sediment transport and morphological evolution of estuaries and tidal basins. Bed sediments often consist of mixtures of sand and mud, with spatial gradients in the sand/mud content. This study aims at ...
Mangroves protect coastal areas against hazards like storms or cyclones by attenuating waves and currents, and by trapping floating debris during extreme events. Bangladesh is a very vulnerable country to floods and cyclones, and part of its coastal system is thus being upgraded ...

Salt marsh establishment in poorly consolidated muddy systems

Effects of surface drainage, elevation, and plant age

Conservation and restoration of salt marsh ecosystems are becoming increasingly important because of the many ecosystem services they provide. However, the processes controlling salt marsh establishment and persistence, especially on bare tidal flats in muddy areas, remain unclea ...
The Sand Motor is a very large (20 million m3) nourishment constructed along the coast in The Netherlands. The huge volume of sand is redistributed along the coast by natural forces stemming from tidal currents and waves. For environmental evaluation of this large cons ...

Tropical Biogeomorphic Seagrass Landscapes for Coastal Protection

Persistence and Wave Attenuation During Major Storms Events

The intensity of major storm events generated within the Atlantic Basin is projected to rise with the warming of the oceans, which is likely to exacerbate coastal erosion. Nature-based flood defence has been proposed as a sustainable and effective solution to protect coastlines. ...