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D.S. van Maren

88 records found

Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are increasingly being used in various scientific disciplines. However, dealing with non-stationary physical processes remains a significant challenge in such models, whereas fluid motions are typically non-stationary. In this study, a PIN ...
Human interventions influence sediment dynamics, and understanding these mechanisms is essential for predicting short-term and long-term estuarine development. The Deep Channel Navigation Project (DCNP) in the Yangtze Estuary is such a large infrastructural intervention that subs ...
This study examines the local, intratidal effects of suspended sediment concentrations (SSCs) on the hydrodynamics and vertical mixing in the Ems Estuary, located on the border between Germany and The Netherlands, during summer and winter seasons when the estuary turbidity maximu ...
Land reclamations influence the morphodynamic evolution of estuaries and tidal basins, because an altered planform changes tidal dynamics and associated residual sediment transport. The morphodynamic response time to land reclamation is long, impacting the system for decades to c ...
The world’s coasts and deltas are progressively threatened by climate change and human activities. The degree at which coastlines can adapt to these changes strongly depends on the sediment availability. The availability of muddy sediments is however poorly known. This study aims ...
For the management of estuaries and the preservation of tidal flats it is crucial to understand the tidal flat shape and development. Previous work focused predominantly on the quasi-equilibrium shape of tidal flats along open coasts with a dominant cross-shore flow and wave expo ...
The Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt Delta is a low-lying delta in the Netherlands and Belgium. Its three major rivers, which drain a significant part of Northwest Europe, come together in a complex system of islands and channels. The delta is densely populated and of major economic interest ...
The morphological configuration of estuaries and tidal basins influences future development because the channel-flat pattern and geometry control tidal dynamics and, as a result, residual sediment transport patterns. Large-scale human alteration of estuarine plan-form and channel ...
Storm surge barriers and closure dams influence estuarine morphology. Minimizing consequential ecological impacts requires a thorough understanding of the morphological adaptation mechanisms and associated time scales. Both are unraveled using three decades of morphological measu ...
Intertidal areas play a crucial role in controlling tidal hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in estuaries and tidal inlets. As a consequence, widespread land reclamation of the intertidal zone has led to alterations in tidal dynamics and the associated morphodynamics of estuaries w ...
Existing tidal input reduction approaches applied in accelerated morphodynamic simulations aim to capture the dominant tidal forces in a single or double representative tidal cycle, often referred to as a “morphological tide.” These strongly simplified tidal signals fail to repre ...
A decline of the fluvial sediment supply leads to coastal erosion and land loss. However, the fluvial sediment load may influence not only coastal morphodynamics but also estuarine hydrodynamics and associated saltwater intrusion. Previous studies revealed that suspended sediment ...
Deltaic intertidal areas disappear worldwide. This impacts delta morphology, because the extent and physiological character of the tidal floodplains control the tidal regime and, as a result, residual sediment transport patterns. Extensive reclamation of former tidal flats, effec ...
An extensive field campaign, the Ems-Dollard Measurements (EDoM), was executed in the Ems Estuary, bordering the Netherlands and Germany, aimed at better understanding the mechanisms that drive the exchange of water and sediments between a relatively exposed outer estuary and a h ...
Existing knowledge about groyne-induced effects is primarily based on riverine or coastal environments where salinity gradients are absent or limited. However, in estuaries, salinity gradients drive physical processes such as longitudinal and lateral residual flows. The effect of ...
Many estuaries and tidal basins are strongly influenced by various human interventions (land reclamations, infrastructure development, channel deepening, dredging and disposal of sediments). Such interventions lead to a range of hydrodynamic and morphological responses (a changin ...

Winds of opportunity

The effects of wind on intertidal flat accretion

Intertidal ecosystems are threatened by sea level rise and anthropogenic pressures. Understanding the processes controlling the morphodynamic developments of tidal flats is crucial for sustainable management of these systems. Analysis of three extensive fieldwork campaigns carrie ...
The sediment load in the Yangtze River downstream of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) has substantially declined in recent decades. The decrease is more profound below the TGD, e.g., a 97% decrease at Yichang, compared with that at the delta apex, 1200 km downstream, e.g., a 75% decrea ...
Muddy coasts provide ecological habitats, supply food and form a natural coastal defence. Relative sea level rise, changing wave energy and human interventions will increase the pressure on muddy coastal zones. For sustainable coastal management it is key to obtain information on ...

Morphodynamic Modeling of Tidal Basins

The Role of Sand-Mud Interaction

The morphology of tide-dominated systems is progressively influenced by human activities and climate change. Quantitative approaches aiming at understanding or forecasting the effects of interventions and climate change are often aggregated, thereby simplifying or schematizing th ...