P. J. J. F. Torfs

22 records found


Lowlands are vulnerable to flooding due to their mild topography in often densely populated areas with high social and economic value. Moreover, multiple physical processes coincide in lowland areas, such as those involved in river-sea interactions and in merging rivers at conflu ...

Hydrologic projections are of vital socio-economic importance. However, they are also prone to uncertainty. In order to establish a meaningful range of storylines to support water managers in decision making, we need to reveal the relevant sources of uncertainty. Here, we syst ...

We discuss two definitions of reproducibility, and question if both definitions are required to be met in computational hydrological studies.@en

Borneo's diverse ecosystems, which are typical humid tropical conditions, are deteriorating rapidly, as the area is experiencing recurrent large-scale wildfires, affecting atmospheric composition and influencing regional climate processes. Studies suggest that climate-driven d ...

The transfer of parameter sets over different temporal and spatial resolutions is common practice in many large-domain hydrological modelling studies. The degree to which parameters are transferable across temporal and spatial resolutions is an indicator of how well spatial an ...

Water management in lowland areas has focused on facilitating rapid drainage over the past centuries leading to increased flows during wet periods, but also to lower groundwater tables during dry periods. This has impacted society e.g. by increased need for irrigation and subside ...

HESS Opinions

The need for process-based evaluation of large-domain hyper-resolution models

A meta-analysis on 192 peer-reviewed articles reporting on applications of the variable infiltration capacity (VIC) model in a distributed way reveals that the spatial resolution at which the model is applied has increased over the years, while the calibration and validation t ...

HESS Opinions

The need for process-based evaluation of large-domain hyper-resolution models

A meta-analysis on 192 peer-reviewed articles reporting applications of the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model in a distributed way reveals that the spatial resolution at which the model is applied has increased over the years, while the calibration and validation time in ...

Catchments as simple dynamical systems

A case study on methods and data requirements for parameter identification

In many rainfall-runoff models, at least some calibration of model parameters has to take place. Especially for ungauged or poorly gauged basins this can be problematic, because there is little or no data available for calibration. A possible solution to overcome the problems ...

The Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS)

Application to the Hupsel Brook catchment and the Cabauw polder

The Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS) is a new parametric (conceptual) rainfall-runoff model which accounts explicitly for processes that are important in lowland areas, such as groundwater-unsaturated zone coupling, wetness-dependent flowroutes, groundwater-surface wa ...
The relation between storage and discharge is an essential characteristic of many rainfall-runoff models. The simple dynamical systems approach, in which a rainfall-runoff model is constructed from a single storage-discharge relation, has been successfully applied to humid catchm ...
This paper presents a novel approach to estimate the vertical profile of reflectivity (VPR) from volumetric weather radar data using both a traditional Eulerian as well as a newly proposed Lagrangian implementation. For this latter implementation, the recently developed Rotationa ...

Using 30. years (1979-2009) of data from 33 automatic rain gauges in the Netherlands, a study of the space-time variability of rainfall is performed. This study uses 90-day averaged semi-variograms to find seasonal signals in the fitted spherical semi-variogram parameters of r ...

Travel time distributions are often used to characterize catchment discharge behavior, catchment vulnerability to pollution and pollutant loads from catchments to downstream waters. However, these distributions vary with time because they are a function of rainfall and evapotr ...

Rain gauges can offer high quality rainfall measurements at their locations. Networks of rain gauges can offer better insight into the space-time variability of rainfall, but they tend to be too widely spaced for accurate estimates between points. While remote sensing systems, su ...

In many climate impact studies hydrological models are forced with meteorological data without an attempt to assess the quality of these data. The objective of this study was to compare downscaled ERA15 (ECMWF-reanalysis data) precipitation and temperature with observed precip ...

Because of global warming, the hydrologic behavior of the Rhine basin is expected to shift from a combined snowmelt-and rainfall-driven regime to a more rainfall-dominated regime. Previous impact assessments have indicated that this leads, on average, to increasing streamflow by ...

The Meuse is an important river in Western Europe, which is almost exclusively rain-fed. Projected changes in precipitation characteristics due to climate change, therefore, are expected to have a considerable effect on the hydrological regime of the river Meuse. We focus on a ...

Understanding the long-term (interannual-decadal) variability of water availability in river basins is paramount for water resources management. Here, the authors analyze time series of simulated terrestrial water storage components, observed precipitation, and discharge spanning ...

Towards a stochastic model of rainfall for radar hydrology

Testing the poisson homogeneity hypothesis

In order to investigate to what extent rainfall fluctuations observed with different types of instruments reflect the properties of the rainfall process itself and to what extent they are merely instrumental artefacts we are in the process of developing a stochastic model of rain ...