Albrecht H. Weerts

25 records found

Machine learning for real-time reservoir operation simulation

Comparing input variables and algorithms for the Sirikit Reservoir, Thailand

Machine learning (ML) models offer advantages over process-based models for real-time reservoir operation modelling, yet the impact of input variable selection (IVS) and data pre-processing on model performance remains underexplored. This study investigates various input variable ...
Machine learning (ML) models offer advantages over process-based models for real-time reservoir operation modelling, yet the impact of input variable selection (IVS) and data pre-processing on model performance remains underexplored. This study investigates various input variable ...
Estuarine salt intrusion causes problems with freshwater availability in many deltas. Water managers require timely and accurate forecasts to be able to mitigate and adapt to salt intrusion. Data-driven models derived with machine learning are ideally suited for this, as they can ...
Flash flood early warning requires accurate rainfall forecasts with a high spatial and temporal resolution. As the first few hours ahead are already not sufficiently well captured by the rainfall forecasts of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, radar rainfall nowcasting ca ...
This study focuses on exploring the potential of using Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) for low-flow forecasting for the Rhine River at Lobith on a daily scale with lead times up to 46 days ahead. A novel LSTM-based model architecture is designed to leverage both historica ...

Ecosystem adaptation to climate change

The sensitivity of hydrological predictions to time-dynamic model parameters

Future hydrological behavior in a changing world is typically predicted based on models that are calibrated on past observations, disregarding that hydrological systems and, therefore, model parameters may change as well. In reality, hydrological systems experience almost continu ...
Distributed hydrological modelling moves into the realm of hyper-resolution modelling. This results in a plethora of scaling-related challenges that remain unsolved. To the user, in light of model result interpretation, finer-resolution output might imply an increase in understan ...
To assess the potential of radar rainfall nowcasting for early warning, nowcasts for 659 events were used to construct discharge forecasts for 12 Dutch catchments. Four open-source nowcasting algorithms were tested: Rainymotion Sparse (RM-S), Rainymotion DenseRotation (RM-DR), Py ...
The presence of significant biases in real-time radar quantitative precipitation estimations (QPEs) limits its use in hydrometeorological forecasting systems. Here, we introduce CARROTS (Climatology-based Adjustments for Radar Rainfall in an OperaTional Setting), a set of fixed b ...

Daily flow simulation in Thailand Part II

Unraveling effects of reservoir operation

Study region: Upper region of the Greater Chao Phraya River (GCPR) basin in Thailand. Study focus: The upper GCPR basin is highly regulated by multipurpose reservoirs, which obviously have altered the natural streamflow. Understanding quantitative effects of such alteration is cr ...

Daily flow simulation in Thailand Part I

Testing a distributed hydrological model with seamless parameter maps based on global data

Study region Upper region of the Greater Chao Phraya River (GCPR) basin in Thailand. Study focus This study presents a (∼1 km resolution) distributed hydrological model, wflow_sbm, with global spatial data and parameterization for estimating daily streamflow in the upper GCPR bas ...
Radar rainfall nowcasting, the process of statistically extrapolating the most recent rainfall observation, is increasingly used for very short range rainfall forecasting (less than 6 hr ahead). We performed a large-sample analysis of 1,533 events, systematically selected for 4 e ...
Forecast-based financing is a financial mechanism that facilitates humanitarian actions prior to anticipated floods by triggering release of pre-allocated funds based on exceedance of flood forecast thresholds. This paper presents a novel model suitability matrix that embeds appl ...
Assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources over land requires knowledge on the origin of the precipitation and changes therein toward the future. We determine the origin of precipitation over the Mississippi River basin (MRB) using high-resolution (~25 km) clim ...
Accurate and timely precipitation forecasts are crucial for early warning. Rainfall nowcasting, the process of statistically extrapolating recent rainfall observations, is increasingly used for short-term forecasting. Nowcasts are generally constructed with high-resolution radar ...
The spatiotemporal dynamics of water volumes stored in the unsaturated root zone are a key control on the response of terrestrial hydrological systems. Robust, catchment-scale root-zone soil moisture estimates are thus critical for reliable predictions of river flow, groundwater ...
Medium-term hydrologic forecast uncertainty is strongly dependent on the forecast quality of meteorological variables. Of these variables, the influence of precipitation has been studied most widely, while temperature, radiative forcing and their derived product potential evapotr ...
A non-parametric method is applied to quantify residual uncertainty in hydrologic streamflow forecasting. This method acts as a post-processor on deterministic model forecasts and generates a residual uncertainty distribution. Based on instance-based learning, it uses a k nearest ...
Two statistical post-processing approaches for estimation of predictive hydrological uncertainty are compared: (i) ‘dressing’ of a deterministic forecast by adding a single, combined estimate of both hydrological and meteorological uncertainty and (ii) ‘dressing’ of an ensemble s ...


A Method to Extend Gridded Precipitation Climatology Data Sets in Near Real-Time for Hydrological Forecasting Purposes

To enable operational flood forecasting and drought monitoring, reliable and consistent methods for precipitation interpolation are needed. Such methods need to deal with the deficiencies of sparse operational real-time data compared to quality-controlled offline data sources use ...