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148 records found

For users of hydrological models, the suitability of models can depend on how well their simulated outputs align with observed discharge. This study emphasizes the crucial role of factoring in discharge observation uncertainty when assessing the performance of hydrological models ...

Measuring rainfall using microwave links

The influence of temporal sampling

Terrestrial microwave links are increasingly being used to estimate path-averaged precipitation by determining the attenuation caused by rainfall along the link path, mostly with commercial microwave links from cellular telecommunication networks. However, the temporal resolution ...
Distributed hydrological modelling moves into the realm of hyper-resolution modelling. This results in a plethora of scaling-related challenges that remain unsolved. To the user, in light of model result interpretation, finer-resolution output might imply an increase in understan ...
Hutton et al. (2016) argued that computational hydrology can only be a proper science if the hydrological community makes sure that hydrological model studies are executed and presented in a reproducible manner. Hut, Drost and van de Giesen replied that to achieve this hydrologis ...
The reproducibility of computational hydrology is gaining attention among hydrologists. Reproducibility requires open and reusable code and data, allowing users to verify results and process new datasets. The creation of input files for global hydrological models (GHMs) requires ...
Open, accessible, reusable, and reproducible hydrologic research can have a significant positive impact on the scientific community and broader society. While more individuals and organizations within the hydrology community are embracing open science practices, technical (e.g., ...
Global hydrological models have become a valuable tool for a range of global impact studies related to water resources. However, glacier parameterization is often simplistic or non-existent in global hydrological models. By contrast, global glacier models do represent complex gla ...

Something fishy going on?

Evaluating the Poisson hypothesis for rainfall estimation using intervalometers: results from an experiment in Tanzania

A new type of rainfall sensor (the intervalometer), which counts the arrival of raindrops at a piezo electric element, is implemented during the Tanzanian monsoon season alongside tipping bucket rain gauges and an impact disdrometer. The aim is to test the validity of the Poisson ...
Anthropogenic macrolitter (>0.5 cm) in rivers is of increasing concern. It has been found to have an adverse effect on riverine ecosystem health, and the livelihoods of the communities depending on and living next to these ecosystems. Yet, little is known on how macrolitter re ...
Forests play a key part in the water cycle, so both planting and removing forests can affect streamflow. In a recent Article1, Evaristo and McDonnell used a gradient-boosted-tree model to conclude that streamflow response to forest removal is predominantly controlled by the poten ...
The need for open science has been recognized by the communities of meteorology and climate science. While these domains are mature in terms of applying digital technologies, the implementation of open science methodologies is less advanced. In a session on "Weather and Climate S ...
Particle filters are non-Gaussian filters, which means that the assumption that the error distribution of the ensemble should be Gaussian is unnecessary. Like the ensemble Kalman filter, particle filters are based on the Monte Carlo approximation to represent the distribution of ...
Drifters that track their position are important tools in studying the hydrodynamic behavior of rivers. Drifters that can be tracked in real time have so far been rather expensive. Recently, due to the rise of the open-hardware revolution and the associated Arduino ecosystem, bot ...
In het eerstejaars vak Design Engineering voor fysici van Technische Natuurkunde Delft bouwen groepjes studenten voor hun eindopdracht een demonstratieproef die een natuurkundig fenomeen laat zien. Het belangrijkste leerdoel is het in de praktijk leren brengen van natuurkundige k ...
Teaching a hands- and minds-on course, in which feedback is essential in order to learn, is difficult, especially in times of COVID-19 where student progression cannot be monitored directly. During the lockdown period, the workshops of an undergraduate Design Engineering course h ...
In data assimilation(DA), various types of observations can be assimilated. Highly nonlinear observation operators are very common in geoscience, which goes against the linear and Gaussian assumptions of the Kalman filter. Particle filters are promising and possible solutions to ...
In 2016, Hutton et al. provided a commentary on the irreproducibility of computational hydrology due to complex methods and a lack of transparency of code and data used in many studies. Irreproducibility inhibits our growth as a community and our work quality because our ability ...

Flooded by jargon

How the interpretation of water-related terms differs between hydrology experts and the general audience

Communication about water-induced hazards (such as floods, droughts or levee breaches) is important, in order to keep their impact as low as possible. However, sometimes the boundary between specialized and non-specialized language can be vague. Therefore, a close scrutiny of the ...
Rolf Hut bewonderde een vuurtornado in het lab van een Amerikaanse collega - en stuitte op een opstelling die hem op een idee bracht voor zijn eigen lab.@en